Establishing Llc In Washington
To establish an LLC in Washington, choose a name, appoint a registered agent, file a Certificate of Formation, create an Operating Agreement, and obtain an EIN from the IRS. Contact the Secretary of States office at (360) 725-0377 or corporations@sos.Wa.Gov for more information. For business licensing, reach out to the Business License Service at (360) 705-6741 or BLS@dor.Wa.Gov. Consider defining the scope of work, payment terms, intellectual property rights, confidentiality, and termination conditions for your software development services.Full Conversation
I want to establish an LLC in the state of washington
What is the name of your LLC?
For establishing an LLC in Washington:
- Choose a name for your LLC
- Appoint a registered agent
- File a Certificate of Formation
- Create an Operating Agreement
- Obtain an EIN from the IRS.
MikeMarRocks, LLC
What is the purpose of your LLC, MikeMarRocks?
For Washington State:
- Secretary of State's office handles LLCs.
- Contact: (*) *-*,
* Williams Ave West
What type of business activities will MikeMarRocks, LLC be involved in at * Williams Ave West?
Seattle WA *
What type of business or services will MikeMarRocks, LLC provide?
Software devlopment
What type of software development services will MikeMarRocks, LLC provide?
For Washington State:
- Business License Service: (*) *-*,
Software for hire
What are the terms and conditions for your software hiring services?
YOu tell me
As a software development company, you might want to consider:
- Defining the scope of work
- Payment terms
- Intellectual property rights
- Confidentiality
- Termination conditions.
For Washington State:
- Legal advice: (*) *-*,