Police Misconduct Legal Options


Police misconduct cases can involve civil rights violations. If you experienced excessive force, such as being tasered, consider consulting a civil rights attorney. In washington, you may have grounds for a claim if your rights were violated. A hung jury in a related trial could impact your case. Seek legal advice to explore your options.

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Hi Frank! How can I assist you with your legal issue today?
ok can I ask a question please
Of course, Frank! What legal issue are you dealing with?
Well fifteen years ago I was accused of needing a helmet and headlight to be riding a bike when I clearly wasn’t operating any bike then I was asked my name and I asked the police to articulate the crime I was being accused of well over hen I asked if I was free to go or detained or under arrest so I started to walk away and the officer tasered me
Hi Frank! That sounds like a difficult situation. Are you looking to pursue any legal action regarding this incident?
Case Rating: *
Frank, it seems like you might be considering legal action regarding a past incident with law enforcement. Could you let me know if there were any injuries or other consequences as a result of being tasered? This information will help determine the best next steps.
I was tasered multiple times in my chest and neck taken to hospital and got stable and the officer told me oil was free to go
Case Rating: *
Given the severity of the incident and potential for civil rights violations, this case could benefit from legal consultation. If you're interested in pursuing this further, consider speaking with a lawyer who specializes in police misconduct or personal injury.
Would you like to be connected to local lawyers who can better assist you with your case?
Well a personal injury lawyer would not work I’ve tried
Case Rating: *
Frank, it seems like a complex situation involving police misconduct. While you mentioned that a personal injury lawyer didn't work for you, a civil rights attorney might be more appropriate for your case. Would you like some general information on how to proceed with a civil rights claim in California?
In Washington state
Case Rating: *
Frank, it might be a high-value case, and connecting with local lawyers could provide you with the best assistance. Would you like to be connected to local lawyers who can better assist you with your case?
Can you give me a bit more information about the issue?
The prosecutor retaliated against me and because I had excepted my rights and four months later sent me a court date for obstruction and trial I got hung jury verdict
Case Rating: *
Frank, would you like to be connected to local lawyers who can better assist you with your case? If so, I need to gather some information from you. What is your phone number?