Court Continuances And Bench Trials

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Well, I've plead not guilty about a year ago for a DUI and possession of marijuana charge. I've been going to court monthly awaiting a bench trial that keeps getting continued and set for a later date. I'm having to use all of my vacation time from work and sick leave just to attend court for this entire past year. How long does the court have to be able to keep making me go to court without having a trial?
Have you discussed this issue with your attorney?

In Georgia, there's no specific time limit for a bench trial. However, unreasonable delay can be grounds for dismissal.
The local public defender has been of no help this past year. Yesterday she tried to force me to plea to the marijuana charge as my toxicology report showed I was NOT DUI. So that's not even a deal.
Have you considered hiring a private attorney? In Georgia, you have the right to legal representation of your choice.
I have thought very seriously about it since yesterday. I'm tired of missing work. I do not want to be put on probation. I have lost $*+ /day /month each time I've had to miss work this year for court not to mention the arrest made under false pretense that I had to get my car out of inpound and be bonded out of jail. I guess I'm just concerned with the rate of a hired attorney.
What is your financial situation? Depending on your income, you might be eligible for legal aid services. In Georgia, legal aid services can provide free or low-cost legal assistance.
Well, I gross about $55k and have three kids and a spouse.
What is the nature of your employment? Are you a full-time, part-time, or contract worker?
I work for a local peanut agricultural company .
What is the specific charge you are facing for the possession of marijuana?
Less than ounce.
In Georgia, possession of less than an ounce of marijuana is considered a misdemeanor. Penalties can include:

- Up to 1 year in jail
- Fine up to $*,*
- Probation
- Drug education or treatment program

Have you considered a plea bargain?
Not really
What are your concerns about accepting a plea bargain? In Georgia, plea bargains can sometimes result in reduced charges or penalties.
They literally sell the Delta * I had on me in the stores legally in this town and county. The fact that I don't feel I'm guilty. Shouldn't the police report be thrown away once part of the citation is deemed fictitious?
What evidence do you have to support your claim that the citation is fictitious? In Georgia, if you can prove that the citation was based on false information, it could potentially be dismissed.
I was charged with a DUI and the toxicology report says that was a lie. The officer literally said I stumbled. He obviously isn't above lying just because he's an officer.
Do you have any witnesses or video evidence that could support your claim about the officer's conduct? In Georgia, such evidence can be crucial in challenging a DUI charge.
Any video evidence that would be pertinent is in possession of the state prosecutor
Have you or your attorney requested the video evidence from the state prosecutor? In Georgia, you have the right to access evidence related to your case.
No the local public defender wants me to take a plea she's very friendly with the local judge and local DA
Have you considered filing a complaint against your public defender for not adequately representing your interests? In Georgia, you can file a complaint with the State Bar of Georgia.
She said they're not able to get evidence because they only have one person.
What kind of evidence are you trying to obtain? In Georgia, you have the right to request any evidence that the prosecution may use against you in court.