In Arkansas, the owner generally has the right to reclaim an impounded vehicle. However, if you are having trouble getting your car back, it may be helpful to consult with a local attorney who specializes in criminal defense. You can also contact the Arkansas Legal Services Partnership at 1-800-950-5817 for pro bono criminal defense lawyers.Full Conversation
I let a friend barrow my car on *-*-* , my friend was speeding doing * in a * the police got behind him and flipped on the lights well my friend jumped out the car on foot , the police said they didnt catch my friend well, my car got inpounded, the police said i cant get my car out of inpound because i beed to come give up a name of who was driving my car.. is this legal, i have lost my job because i didnt have a ride back n forth to work.. is this legal for them to not give my car back..
What state are you located in? Laws regarding impounded vehicles can vary by location.
What is the name of the city where your car was impounded?
In Arkansas, law enforcement can impound a vehicle if the driver commits certain offenses. However, the owner usually has the right to reclaim it.
What is the name of the police department that impounded your car?
In Arkansas:
- Law enforcement can impound a vehicle for certain offenses.
- The owner generally has the right to reclaim it.
El Dorado Police Department: +* *-*-*.
El dorado police department
In Arkansas, the owner generally has the right to reclaim an impounded vehicle. Contact El Dorado Police Department at +* *-*-* for more information.
I have contacted them they are the one that is telling me i cant get my car back
Have you consulted with a local attorney regarding this matter? They can help you understand your rights and navigate the legal process.
No i need one
What city are you located in? I can help you find a local attorney.
In El Dorado, Arkansas, you can contact the Union County Bar Association at (*) *-* for assistance in finding a local attorney.
That number is for the court house they dont have lawyers
What type of lawyer are you looking for? For example, a criminal defense lawyer or a civil rights lawyer?
Criminal defense pro bono lawyers
In El Dorado, Arkansas, you can contact the Arkansas Legal Services Partnership at *-*-*-* for pro bono criminal defense lawyers.