Wmata Fare Evasion Penalties


Fare evasion on WMATA property in Prince Georges County, Maryland, is usually a civil offense with a fine up to $50. To contest, request a hearing within 30 days. If summoned, attend court to avoid further penalties. Incorrect address on citation should be corrected by contacting the court. Court notice typically arrives in 1-3 weeks. Legal representation is optional but can be beneficial. Check citation details and consult the court for clarification on offense status.

Full Conversation

To contest a WMATA fare evasion citation in Prince George's County, Maryland, you can follow these steps:
- File a request for a hearing within 30 days of receiving the citation.
- Attend the scheduled hearing to present your case.
- Provide any evidence or witnesses to support your claim.
Would you like the contact details for the relevant court?
On the citation it saids that I have been summoned and commanded to appear for a trial but there’s not a court date on the citation
It sounds like there might be an error or missing information on your citation. You should contact the relevant court in Prince George's County to clarify your court date.
Would you like the contact details for the Prince George's County District Court?
What does summoned and commanded to appear for a trial mean for my fate evasion citation
Being "summoned and commanded to appear for a trial" means that you are legally required to attend a court hearing regarding your fare evasion citation. Failure to appear can result in additional penalties.
Would you like the contact details for the Prince George's County District Court to clarify your court date?

Prince George's County District Court

Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Main Street, Upper Marlboro, MD *
Website: https://www.mdcourts.gov/district/directories/courtmap/pgg

Contact the court to clarify your court date and ensure you attend the hearing to avoid additional penalties.
I gave the wrong address on my citation what do I do ?
You should contact the court handling your case to inform them of the incorrect address on your citation. Here are the details for Prince George's County District Court:

Prince George's County District Court

Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Main Street, Upper Marlboro, MD *
Website: [https://www.mdcourts.gov/district/directories/courtmap/pgg](https://www.mdcourts.gov/district/directories/courtmap/pgg)

Would you need further assistance?
What should I expect from the court
When you appear in court for your fare evasion citation in Prince George's County, Maryland, you can expect the following:
- The judge will review the citation and hear your side of the story.
- You may present any evidence or witnesses.
- The judge will then decide on whether to uphold or dismiss the citation and any applicable fines.
Would you like more information on preparing for your court appearance?
Will I need a lawyer for this?
You may not need a lawyer for a fare evasion citation, as it is generally a civil matter. However, having one can help if you want legal advice or are unsure about representing yourself.
Would you like more details on how to represent yourself in court?
On the WMATA website it is saying that in Maryland fare evasion is a criminal offense
In Maryland, fare evasion on WMATA property is typically treated as a civil offense, but there might be specific circumstances where it can be escalated.
- In Prince George's County, fare evasion is usually a civil offense with a fine.
- Check your citation for details and consult the court for clarification.
Would you like more information on how to handle civil offenses in court?
What happens after I received a fare evasion citation and what comes in the mail?
After receiving a fare evasion citation, you can expect to receive the following in the mail:
- A notice with your court date and location.
- Instructions on how to pay the fine or contest the citation.
- Contact information for further inquiries.
Would you need additional details on what to do next?
How long will it take for the court notice to come in the mail
The court notice typically takes *-* weeks to arrive in the mail. If it has been longer, you may want to contact the Prince George's County District Court to check the status.
Would you need the contact details again?
Here are the contact details for the Prince George's County District Court:

Prince George's County District Court

Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Main Street, Upper Marlboro, MD *
Website: [https://www.mdcourts.gov/district/directories/courtmap/pgg](https://www.mdcourts.gov/district/directories/courtmap/pgg)

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