Judgment Creditor Property Lien
Upon judgment entry, a lien is placed on all the defendants property. Follow the restraining notice and information subpoena to withhold nonexempt property. Retain the property until further notice.Full Conversation
We are the attorneys for the judgment creditor in the referenced case. Pursuant to *
U.S.C. * *, upon entry of judgment, a lien arose against all the defendant's property and rights to property.
Enclosed please find a restraining notice and information subpoena, which requires you to immediately withhold nonexempt property of the judgment debtor, complete the attached form as your sworn written answer, and return it to me within seven (*) days. You must retain any nonexempt property in your possession until further notice (a list of the property exemptions is provided in the enclosed notice).
To assist in identification of property for withholding and disclosure, the judgment debtor's SSN is ***-**-* and DOB is *. Upon confirmation that you are holding property, we will send a copy of this notice to the judgment debtor with instructions how to claim an exemption.
Please do not disburse the withheld property to anyone until further notice. You will be notified when the parties have reached an agreed resolution, or a final dispositive order is entered.
What is the location of the court where the judgment was entered?
What is the specific state and court where the judgment was entered?
new York federal court
What is the nature of the judgment debtor's property that you are seeking to withhold?
For your information, the New York Federal Court is located at * Pearl St, New York, NY *, USA. Phone: +* *-*-*.
NYC Employee Retirement System
What is the total amount of the judgment that was entered against the debtor?
For your information, NYC Employee Retirement System is located at * Adams St #*, Brooklyn, NY *, USA. Phone: +* *-*-*.
Could you please provide the case number for the judgment?