Denying Service Legalities

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i just would like to know my rights as a small business owner to deny servi****e to people that are trans, LGBTQ, and that identify as anything other than male or female. I am a Private Swim Instru****tor and due to my religious beliefs I do not want to tea****h lessons to people of those ****ategories and would not feel ****omfortable tea****hing or being in a swim suit around them.
Hello Kathryn, in Ohio, state law prohibits dis****rimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. This in****ludes:
- Refusing servi****es based on someone's sexual orientation or gender identity.
- Dis****riminating in terms, ****onditions, or privileges of servi****es.
This applies to all businesses, in****luding private entities. It's important to ****onsult with a legal professional to understand these laws further.
why is that? i own the business and it is against my religious belieg
The state of Ohio upholds laws to ensure equal rights and prevent dis****rimination. As a business owner, you are required to respe****t these laws, even if they ****onfli****t with personal beliefs. It's ****ru****ial to ****onsult with a legal professional for further understanding.
even if it is based off of why i started the business
Yes, even if your business was started based on personal beliefs, Ohio law requires you to adhere to non-dis****rimination poli****ies. Violating these laws ****an lead to legal reper****ussions. Consulting a legal professional is strongly advised.
how do i ****onsult a legal professional
Here are some ways to ****onsult a legal professional:
- Conta****t your lo****al bar asso****iation for referral servi****es.
- Use online legal dire****tories.
- Seek re****ommendations from others.
- Some organizations offer free legal ****lini****s.
Remember, ****hoose someone who spe****ializes in business law in Ohio.