Trustee Identification In Michigan


If you are a beneficiary in Michigan, you can request a copy of the trust document from the trustee. If the trustee refuses, you can petition the court. Executors and trustees have different roles: executors carry out will instructions, while trustees manage trust assets. To find out the trustees identity, request it from the current trustee or executor, and if refused, petition the court. Consulting a local attorney can expedite the process.

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Upper Michigan. If I do not trust the executor of the will, can I find out if I’m in a trust?
In Michigan:
- You can request a copy of the trust document if you're a beneficiary.
- If the trustee refuses, you can petition the court.
- You may want to consult with a local attorney.
How do I find out if i am a beneficiary
In Michigan, if you suspect being a beneficiary, you can directly request a copy of the trust from the trustee. If they refuse, you have the right to petition the court. Consulting with a local attorney could be beneficial.
Is executed of the will the same as the trustee
In legal terms, the executor of a will and a trustee are different roles:
- An executor is responsible for carrying out the instructions in a will after the person's death.
- A trustee manages the assets in a trust, either during the person's life or after, depending on the trust type.
How do I find out the trustee
In Michigan, you can request the trustee's identity from the current trustee or executor. If they refuse, you can petition the court. Consulting an attorney might help expedite the process.
Where would I request the trustees identify from
In Michigan, you can request the trustee's identity directly from the current trustee or the executor of the will. If they refuse to provide this information, you can petition the court to compel them to disclose it.