Mistaken Court Order Resolution
A mistakenly entered court order in your child support case can be addressed by filing a motion to correct or vacate the order. Gather all relevant documents, such as the correct court order and attorney withdrawal proof, and request a hearing to clarify the record. Understanding the differences between child support payments, retroactive payments, and temporary payments is crucial. In Illinois, self-represented parties can draft proposed court orders, but the court issues the final order. If a judge overlooks key details, consider filing a motion to reconsider and seek legal aid for additional support.Full Conversation
No, she did not. she presented her pretrial memorandum to the judge on November *. * which the judge made her ruling based on that false information. So now that I have a copy of that November * * court order that was mistakenly put into this court case file What do I do as I am representing myself as a petitioner as of right now?
I understand the complexity of your situation. Here are some steps you can take:
*. **File a Motion to Correct or Vacate:** Submit a motion to the court to correct or vacate the mistakenly entered order from November *, *.
*. **Gather Evidence:** Include all relevant documents (e.g., the correct court order, proof of attorney withdrawal, and the new attorney's appearance).
*. **Request a Hearing:** Ask the court for a hearing to address the mistake and clarify the record.
Would you like guidance on how to draft the motion?
*. **File a Motion to Correct or Vacate:** Submit a motion to the court to correct or vacate the mistakenly entered order from November *, *.
*. **Gather Evidence:** Include all relevant documents (e.g., the correct court order, proof of attorney withdrawal, and the new attorney's appearance).
*. **Request a Hearing:** Ask the court for a hearing to address the mistake and clarify the record.
Would you like guidance on how to draft the motion?
I also wanna know if you can explain. the difference, or if there is a difference between retroactive child support payments. and child support payments and temporary child support payments
Sure, I can explain the differences:
- **Child Support Payments**: Regular ongoing payments made by the non-custodial parent to the custodial parent for the child's living expenses.
- **Retroactive Child Support Payments**: Payments ordered to cover a period before the child support order was established. This can include the time from the child's birth until the order date.
- **Temporary Child Support Payments**: Payments made on a temporary basis while the case is ongoing, ensuring the child’s needs are met during the legal process.
Would you need further assistance with drafting your motion?
- **Child Support Payments**: Regular ongoing payments made by the non-custodial parent to the custodial parent for the child's living expenses.
- **Retroactive Child Support Payments**: Payments ordered to cover a period before the child support order was established. This can include the time from the child's birth until the order date.
- **Temporary Child Support Payments**: Payments made on a temporary basis while the case is ongoing, ensuring the child’s needs are met during the legal process.
Would you need further assistance with drafting your motion?
OK so now. If the court case file copies show. my signature on the HFS documents. dated April * * shouldn't have the retroactive support payments have been. ordered from that date also My first attorney filed for temporary child support payments in June. *. after he withdrew from Rep. resenting me in this case, my second attorney. who took over where my first attorney left off again. filed a motion for temporary child support payments to continue on December * * The judge set. child support payments. based on * tensional false twisted lies made in a six page pretrial memorandum. dated November * * So now that you told me the difference between the three. and the judge is stating. on a court order dated December * * background at the time child support was set this would be November * * both attorneys argued about the date child support Was to be calculated from? this court ruled that child support was. to be calculated from the date petitioners attorney filed the motion for child support. Now the issue here is the judge is not Mentioning retroactive child support payments. or temporary child support payments. The judge is ignoring the fact what the court file shows when. this child support was initially filed through the state, which would have been April * * The judge is also ignoring the fact that there was a previous attorney in this case who filed for temporary child support in June * Do you understand what I'm saying? Do you get the situation? What are your thoughts on that?
I understand your situation. It sounds complex, but here are some steps you can consider:
*. **File a Motion to Reconsider**: Request the court to reconsider the decision based on the initial filing date and any other overlooked facts.
*. **Present Evidence**: Include all relevant documents (e.g., HFS documents from April *, *, and temporary support filings from June *).
*. **Clarify Terms**: Explain the significance of retroactive and temporary child support payments in your motion.
Would you like detailed guidance on how to draft this motion?
*. **File a Motion to Reconsider**: Request the court to reconsider the decision based on the initial filing date and any other overlooked facts.
*. **Present Evidence**: Include all relevant documents (e.g., HFS documents from April *, *, and temporary support filings from June *).
*. **Clarify Terms**: Explain the significance of retroactive and temporary child support payments in your motion.
Would you like detailed guidance on how to draft this motion?
So this is what I want you to understand. This is what I'm trying to explain as of. everything I just explained to you. and the judge writing in her drafted court order dated December * * after denying my motion for retroactive child support to be ordered by the respondent to pay dating from April * * as I did provider copies of the court file which the judge can see the court files herself And she clearly sees when I signed it. now the judge wrote background not her statement at the time. Child support was set. She is clearly saying child support was set. She is not mentioning retroactive child support payments or Temporary child support payments. both attorneys argued about the date. child support was to be calculated again. She is not mentioning the keywords here Discord ruled child support was to be calculated from the date petitioners console filed the motion for child support Now they're attempt here is to set child support payments from December * * * when my second attorney took over where my first attorney left off and filed A motion for the temporary child support payments to continue. Do you see the problem here? And what is. the attempt here? Because to me, it seems that the judge is deliberately. attempting to ignore her retroactive child support payments and tempor
I understand your concern. It seems that the judge may have overlooked or not addressed your claims for retroactive and temporary child support. Here are some steps you can consider:
*. **File a Motion to Clarify**: Request the court to explicitly address the issue of retroactive and temporary child support payments.
*. **Include Evidence**: Attach all supporting documents (e.g., April *, * HFS documents, June * filings).
*. **Request a Hearing**: Ask for a hearing to discuss these specific issues.
Would you like more detailed guidance on drafting this motion?
*. **File a Motion to Clarify**: Request the court to explicitly address the issue of retroactive and temporary child support payments.
*. **Include Evidence**: Attach all supporting documents (e.g., April *, * HFS documents, June * filings).
*. **Request a Hearing**: Ask for a hearing to discuss these specific issues.
Would you like more detailed guidance on drafting this motion?
No, I did provide all documents. Now here's my take on this. This judge ignored and dismissed, denied my motion for retroactive, despite providing all. the court files. This judge did not order the respondent at any point to pay retroactive child support payments. As you can see from her statements, she's making she's also leaving out temporary child support payments where she is clearly ignoring the fact that I initially filed through HFS on April * *. that is documented in the case file. She's completely ignoring the fact that I hired an attorney in May. * that took over this case from the state's attorney. She also fails to mention second attorney filing temporary child support payments to continue
I understand your frustration with the judge's handling of your case. Here are some steps you can consider:
*. **File a Motion to Reconsider**: Request the court to review its decision, highlighting the overlooked facts and evidence.
*. **Gather Evidence**: Include all relevant documents (e.g., HFS documents, attorney filings).
*. **Seek Legal Advice**: Consider consulting with a legal aid service for additional support.
Would you like detailed guidance on drafting the Motion to Reconsider?
*. **File a Motion to Reconsider**: Request the court to review its decision, highlighting the overlooked facts and evidence.
*. **Gather Evidence**: Include all relevant documents (e.g., HFS documents, attorney filings).
*. **Seek Legal Advice**: Consider consulting with a legal aid service for additional support.
Would you like detailed guidance on drafting the Motion to Reconsider?
My question to you what is your take an initial thoughts on the world? and the wording? that the judge is using leaving keywords out key information
I understand your concern about the judge's wording and the omission of key information. It appears the judge might be overlooking significant details. Here are some steps you may consider:
*. **File a Motion to Reconsider**: Highlight the overlooked facts and evidence.
*. **Request a Hearing**: Emphasize the importance of retroactive and temporary child support payments.
*. **Seek Legal Aid**: Consult with a legal aid service for additional support.
Would you like detailed guidance on drafting the Motion to Reconsider?
*. **File a Motion to Reconsider**: Highlight the overlooked facts and evidence.
*. **Request a Hearing**: Emphasize the importance of retroactive and temporary child support payments.
*. **Seek Legal Aid**: Consult with a legal aid service for additional support.
Would you like detailed guidance on drafting the Motion to Reconsider?
I'm not asking you what should I file? What should I do? I'm asking your opinion on the situation.
I understand your frustration. It appears the judge may have overlooked critical details in your case. Misinterpretations or omissions of key terms like "retroactive" and "temporary" child support can significantly impact the outcome. Seeking a legal aid service for personalized advice and assistance might help ensure your concerns are addressed properly.
So now let's pretend that you are an actual attorney representing me, the petitioner in this case. How would you explain the difference between. Retroactive child support payments. child support payments and temporary child support payments. How would you explain the difference to the judge? after the statement she made
Certainly. Here's a concise explanation suitable for presenting to the judge:
Your Honor,
To clarify the differences in child support terms:
- **Child Support Payments**: These are ongoing payments made regularly by the non-custodial parent to support the child's living expenses.
- **Retroactive Child Support Payments**: These payments cover the period before the child support order was established, from the time of the child's birth or from when the initial petition was filed.
- **Temporary Child Support Payments**: These interim payments are made during the legal proceedings to ensure the child's needs are met until a final child support order is issued.
This clear distinction ensures that all relevant support periods are appropriately considered in the case.
To clarify the differences in child support terms:
- **Child Support Payments**: These are ongoing payments made regularly by the non-custodial parent to support the child's living expenses.
- **Retroactive Child Support Payments**: These payments cover the period before the child support order was established, from the time of the child's birth or from when the initial petition was filed.
- **Temporary Child Support Payments**: These interim payments are made during the legal proceedings to ensure the child's needs are met until a final child support order is issued.
This clear distinction ensures that all relevant support periods are appropriately considered in the case.
I also want to know in the state of Illinois and in a child support case. Is it true or false? That when the petitioner and the respondent are both. representing themselves. that they cannot draft the court orders only. the court can draft the court orders Is that true or false? Yes or no?
False. In Illinois, both parties representing themselves can draft proposed court orders, but the court has the final authority to issue the official order.
Because on December * * I did draft the court order with the judges rulings. but she would not sign. and she drafted a court order dated December * *. now in my court order that I drafted I clearly indicated what the judge stated and ruled. which was this,This matter having come before the Court for presentment of Petitioner’s Objection to Judge’s
Ruling regarding IRS Identity Protection PIN and Motion for Reconsideration of Denied Motion to
Compel Respondent to Provide Unemployed Spouse’s Bank Records and for Subpoena if Necessary,
Petitioner, Lula Korotkov (hereinafter “LULA”), appearing via Zoom, Respondent, Naser Beganovic
(hereinafter “NASER”), appearing via Zoom, the Court having jurisdiction and being fully advised in the
*. Lula's motion for reconsideration of the denied request to compel the respondent to
provide the unemployed spouse's bank records and for a subpoena, if necessary, has
been DENIED ONCE AGAIN, even though they are relevant in this case.
*. Lula is ordered to bring bond money with her on December *, *, for protecting her
daughter's identity protection PIN from the respondent, Naser, who has been benefiting
himself from his biological children. He successfully cheated out of accurate financial
support and has not seen them in four years.
*. On November *, *, the court granted the respondent, Naser, leave to file a response
to Lula's motion to strike the respondent's motion to dismiss the petitioner's motion for
retroactive child support. However, as of today, no response has been received, and the
deadline has passed. Despite this, on December *, *, the judge stated that the issue
of retroactive child support has already been handled, which is not reflected in any of the
court orders. The respondent has successfully evaded being ordered to pay retroactive
child support from April *, *.
*/*/* *:* PM
Mariyana T. Spyropoulos
Calendar, *
FILED DATE: */*/* *:* PM 2021D051242
All Domestic Relations cases will be heard by phone or video.
Go to http://www.cookcountycourt.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=G7A8KAcSi8E%3d&portalid=*
to get more information and Zoom Meeting IDs.
Remote Court Date: No hearing scheduled
Page * of *
*. Lula is also ordered not to file any more motions without the court's permission, as per
the judge's directive.
*. This matter is set for the previously scheduled Pretrial/Hearing Date of status regarding
discovery on the previously scheduled court date of December *, * at 2PM in Person.
Both parties are required to appear in Person.
I understand your frustration with the situation. Here are some steps that could help address this issue:
*. **File a Motion to Reconsider**: Emphasize the specific points and omissions you believe the judge overlooked.
*. **Request a Hearing**: Ensure that the judge hears your arguments in person and can directly address any misunderstandings.
*. **Seek Legal Advice**: Consider consulting with a legal aid service or another attorney for additional support.
Would you like detailed guidance on drafting the Motion to Reconsider?
*. **File a Motion to Reconsider**: Emphasize the specific points and omissions you believe the judge overlooked.
*. **Request a Hearing**: Ensure that the judge hears your arguments in person and can directly address any misunderstandings.
*. **Seek Legal Advice**: Consider consulting with a legal aid service or another attorney for additional support.
Would you like detailed guidance on drafting the Motion to Reconsider?
But the judge did not want to sign that court order drafted by me The judge drafted. a court order because she told me that as both the respondent and myself are representing ourselves, only the court can draft the orders. What seems to be false. Now here is what the judge drafted. They did December *. * background at the time Child support was set. Both attorneys argued about the date. Child support was to be calculated from this court. ruled that child support was to be calculated from the date petitioners attorney filed the motion for child support.
I understand your concern. It seems the judge may have misunderstood or incorrectly stated their policy regarding self-represented parties drafting court orders. Here are steps you can consider:
*. **File a Motion to Reconsider**: Address the specific points and omissions in the judge's ruling.
*. **Request Clarification**: Ask the judge to clarify their policy on self-represented parties drafting court orders.
*. **Seek Legal Aid**: Consult with a legal aid service for additional support.
Would you like detailed guidance on how to draft the Motion to Reconsider?
*. **File a Motion to Reconsider**: Address the specific points and omissions in the judge's ruling.
*. **Request Clarification**: Ask the judge to clarify their policy on self-represented parties drafting court orders.
*. **Seek Legal Aid**: Consult with a legal aid service for additional support.
Would you like detailed guidance on how to draft the Motion to Reconsider?
No, the judge did not misunderstood. she understands perfectly well, but she thinks that we don't understand as she did state to both respondent and myself.
I understand your frustration with the judge's actions. Here are some steps you can consider:
*. **File a Motion to Reconsider**: Emphasize the judge's misunderstanding of your ability to draft orders and the overlooked points.
*. **Request Clarification**: Ask the judge to specifically explain the policy on drafting orders for self-represented parties.
*. **Seek Legal Aid**: Consult with a legal aid service for additional support.
Would you like guidance on drafting the Motion to Reconsider?
*. **File a Motion to Reconsider**: Emphasize the judge's misunderstanding of your ability to draft orders and the overlooked points.
*. **Request Clarification**: Ask the judge to specifically explain the policy on drafting orders for self-represented parties.
*. **Seek Legal Aid**: Consult with a legal aid service for additional support.
Would you like guidance on drafting the Motion to Reconsider?
So if I, as a self representing petitioner, want to clearly list the difference between retroactive child support payments. temporary child. support payments. and child support payments How do I do it
Certainly! Here’s how you can clearly list the differences:
- **Child Support Payments**: Regular ongoing payments made by the non-custodial parent to support the child's living expenses.
- **Retroactive Child Support Payments**: Payments covering the period before the child support order was established, from when the initial petition was filed.
- **Temporary Child Support Payments**: Interim payments made during the legal proceedings to meet the child’s needs until a final order is issued.
Would you like further assistance with anything else?
- **Child Support Payments**: Regular ongoing payments made by the non-custodial parent to support the child's living expenses.
- **Retroactive Child Support Payments**: Payments covering the period before the child support order was established, from when the initial petition was filed.
- **Temporary Child Support Payments**: Interim payments made during the legal proceedings to meet the child’s needs until a final order is issued.
Would you like further assistance with anything else?