Name Change Legal Requirements


In Kentucky, if a divorce decree mandates a name change, it must be adhered to for legal documents, including a drivers license. Failure to comply may result in legal issues. To enforce the decree, a court motion may be necessary. When renewing a drivers license, the legal name as per the decree should be used.

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my husbands ex wife still goes by my husbands last name but in the decree she was restored to her former name.
In Kentucky, if a divorce decree states that a spouse should revert to their former name, they are legally required to do so.
- **Enforcement**: You can request the court to enforce the decree.
- **Court Motion**: You may need to file a motion in the court that issued the decree.
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she has a court case for criminal traffic. If they see her license that has the married name still not changed will she get in trouble
In Kentucky, if the court has ordered a name change in the divorce decree, it should be adhered to. However, it's up to the court's discretion whether to address the issue during her criminal traffic case.
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If her name is restored in the decree and her license expires soon will they make her change her name to get a new license
In Kentucky, if her name has been restored to her former name in the divorce decree, she should update her driver's license accordingly. When her license expires, she will likely need to use her legal name as per the decree for the renewal process.
Would you like information on how to update a driver's license name in Kentucky?
Would she still be able to use my husbands last name to renew her license
In Kentucky, if the divorce decree requires her to revert to her former name, she should use that name for legal documents, including her driver's license.
- **Renewal Requirement**: She should update her name as per the decree before renewing her license.
- **Compliance**: Failure to comply could result in legal complications.
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