To prove a babys existence without a birth certificate in Fort Mill, SC, use hospital records, immunization records, affidavits, or government records. If no records exist, consider DNA testing, testimonies, or religious records. Religious records are typically requested by parents or guardians and verified through the institution. Verification usually doesnt require court petitions, but institutions have their own policies. Contact the institution for specific procedures.Full Conversation
****ow to prove t****e existence of a baby wit****out a birt**** certificate
To assist you more effectively, could you please let me know your location (city and state)? T****is will ****elp me provide relevant legal information specific to your area.
fort mill sc
To prove t****e existence of a baby wit****out a birt**** certificate in Fort Mill, SC, you can use t****e following documents:
- Hospital records or disc****arge papers.
- Immunization records.
- Affidavits from individuals present at t****e birt****.
- Any government or ****ealt**** records indicating t****e birt****.
If you need more detailed assistance, you can contact:
<***** class='name'> York County Family Court*****>
P****one: (*) *-*
Address: * S Congress St, York, SC *
W****at if t****ere is no record found
If no records are found, you may consider:
- DNA testing to establis**** parentage.
- Testimonies from relatives or witnesses.
- Sc****ool or daycare records if t****e c****ild is of age.
- Religious records (baptismal or ot****er ceremonies).
Would you need assistance wit**** any specific document or process?
can just anyone request religious records
Generally, religious records like baptismal or ot****er ceremony records can only be requested by individuals directly involved, suc**** as t****e parents or legal guardians. Some religious institutions may ****ave specific policies. You may want to contact t****e specific religious institution w****ere t****e ceremony took place for t****eir requirements.
If I gave religious record can it be verified wit****out petitioning t****e court for ir?
In most cases, religious records can be verified directly t****roug**** t****e religious institution w****ere t****e record was created. You would typically need to contact t****e institution and follow t****eir verification process. No court petition is usually required for t****is type of verification.
w****at if I told t****e institution to not verify would t****ey respect my wis****es
It would depend on t****e policies of t****e specific religious institution. Generally, institutions ****ave t****eir own rules regarding t****e verification and disclosure of records. You s****ould contact t****e institution directly to understand t****eir procedures and w****et****er t****ey would ****onor suc**** a request.
Is t****ere any specific institution you are referring to?