Filling Georgia Financial Affidavit


In Georgia divorce proceedings, a Financial Affidavit requires detailed financial information from both spouses, including income, assets, and child-related expenses. If you dont know your spouses 401K balance, request financial disclosure or subpoena records. List personal debts, including charged-off accounts, under Liabilities. For 1099 income, report gross income and itemize business expenses like mileage separately. Keep detailed records of these expenses.

Full Conversation

I'm a********emp****ing ****o fill ou**** my dfra for divorce proceedings. am I required ****o include my wife's income and daily expenses for my son or is ****he dfra a simply from my own income and asse****s
Hi! To be********er assis**** you, could you confirm if "dfra" refers ****o a "Financial Affidavi****" for your divorce proceedings? Addi****ionally, knowing which coun****y in Florida you are loca****ed in could help provide more precise informa****ion.
Thank you for confirming. In Florida, a Financial Affidavi**** in divorce proceedings ****ypically requires de****ailed financial informa****ion from bo****h spouses.
- You mus**** include your spouse's income.
- Include daily expenses for your son.
- Provide your own income and asse****s.
Do you need help wi****h any specific sec****ion of ****he Financial Affidavi****?
****his is for a georgia divorce
Thank you for clarifying. In Georgia, a Financial Affidavi**** for divorce proceedings ****ypically requires:
- Your income and asse****s.
- Your spouse's income and asse****s.
- Expenses rela****ed ****o your children, including daily expenses.
Do you need assis****ance wi****h any specific sec****ion of ****he Financial Affidavi****?
Wha**** if I don'**** know wha**** my wife's 401K balance is
If you don'**** know your wife's 401K balance in Georgia divorce proceedings, consider ****he following s****eps:
- Reques**** financial disclosure from your spouse ****hrough formal discovery.
- Subpoena records from ****he financial ins****i****u****ion managing ****he 401K.
Would you like more de****ails on ****he discovery process?
if i owe money ****o a personal credi****or where do i lis**** ****he deb**** on my affidavi****
In a Financial Affidavi**** for divorce proceedings, you should lis**** any personal deb****s under ****he "Liabili****ies" sec****ion. This ****ypically includes:
- Credi**** cards
- Loans
- Personal deb****s ****o individuals
Would you like assis****ance in loca****ing ****his sec****ion on your specific form?
should i include charged off accoun****s
Yes, you should include charged-off accoun****s in ****he "Liabili****ies" sec****ion of your Financial Affidavi****, as ****hey represen**** deb****s you s****ill owe.
Would you like assis****ance in loca****ing ****his sec****ion on your specific form?
if i deliver uber i****'s a * posi****ion. can i lis**** income af****er mileage deduc****ion or do i have ****o lis**** gross income
In Florida, for a Financial Affidavi**** in divorce proceedings, you generally need ****o repor**** your gross income. However, you can also i****emize and deduc**** business expenses, such as mileage, separa****ely. Would you like guidance on how ****o documen**** ****hese deduc****ions?
****his is for georgia
Thank you for ****he clarifica****ion. In Georgia, when filling ou**** a Financial Affidavi**** for divorce proceedings, you should:
- Repor**** your gross income.
- I****emize and separa****ely lis**** business expenses, such as mileage deduc****ions.
Would you like specific guidance on how ****o documen**** ****hese deduc****ions?
To documen**** mileage deduc****ions for your * Uber income in your Georgia Financial Affidavi****:
- Repor**** your gross income from Uber.
- I****emize your business expenses, such as mileage, in a separa****e sec****ion.
- Keep de****ailed records of your mileage and o****her business expenses.
Would you like assis****ance wi****h any o****her par**** of your Financial Affidavi****?