Divorce Agreement Concerns Texas
In Texas, you can exchange a deed for payment before the final divorce decree if agreed upon. Ensure the agreement is written and notarized. Its important to review all legal documents thoroughly and not sign under duress. If you feel pressured or unsure, consult a lawyer to protect your interests. Consider using resources like the Texas State Bar or online directories to find legal representation.Full Conversation
We have filed for an amicable divorce. We agree on everything. (basically) She hired a Lawyer to file, in Texas. We are past the waiting period. We agreed to her getting the house we jointly own. I wall get a payment from her for basically my half of the estimated equity. We agreed that I would get my check when I sign over the Special Warranty Deed. Her Lawyer wants me to sign it now and wait till the divorce is final for me to be paid. That is not what we agreed to and i do not trust her or her Lawyer. I am not represented by council at this time. Question: are we allowed to have me sign over the deed and her give me the check as we agreed prior to the final hearing?
Hi ****,
In Texas, it's possible to exchange the deed for payment before the final divorce decree. Ensure the agreement is in writing and notarized. You might consider consulting a lawyer to protect your interests and ensure the transaction is handled correctly.
Would you like more information on finding legal representation?
Hi ****,
Here are a few steps you can take to find legal representation in Texas:
- **Texas State Bar**: Use their **Lawyer Referral and Information Service**.
- **Local Legal Aid Organizations**: They can provide free or low-cost legal assistance.
- **Online Directories**: Websites like **Avvo** and **LegalZoom** can help you find lawyers in your area.
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Her Lawyer sent her prosed papers for submission to the court to set a final hearing. the first had some things switched around and typos and some missing important information. she let them know the concerns then went to send another. She told them I was holding it up. I was just wanting it to be proper and complete because it is final. the next set of papers had not come yet and she set an appointment to go to the Lawyers office to sign them. I wanted to see them first. she canceled that meeting. when I got the papers the Lawyer had included a line that read: That the court was ordering me to show up at his office on that certain day and sign the papers. I didnt get those papers from her till four days after that. I noted when you sign you additionally are stating that you are not signing under "coercion" or under duress. I do not think the court could or would force me to report to his office and sign papers I did not think reflected our agreement. I took it as an intimidation tacktic. I felt like it was threatening. am I correct in asuming that is not proper behavier on his part?
Hi ****,
You are correct in assuming that the court cannot force you to sign papers under duress or coercion. It is not proper behavior for a lawyer to create such an impression. You have the right to review and agree to any documents before signing them.
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