Emergency Custody Grounds Wv


In West Virginia, abandonment can justify emergency custody, even if less than six months. Paternity can be established without DNA through voluntary acknowledgment or court order. To file for emergency custody, gather evidence of abandonment. For paternity, obtain and file a Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity form or seek a court order with evidence of parental responsibility.

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does it have to be 6 months
No, it does not have to be six months. In West Virginia, if a parent has abandoned their child for a shorter period, such as over a month, you may still be able to file for emergency custody. Consult an attorney for specific advice.
Would you like more details on the process or any specific forms required?
if the father isnt on the birth certificate how can paternity be proven other than dna
In West Virginia, paternity can be established without DNA testing through:
- Voluntary acknowledgment by the father.
- Court order based on evidence such as:
- Relationship with the child.
- Financial support provided.
- Statements or actions indicating parental responsibility.
Would you like more details on how to proceed with these options?
In West Virginia, to establish paternity without DNA testing, you can:
- File a Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity form.
- Seek a court order where the court considers evidence such as:
- Relationship with the child.
- Any financial support provided.
- Statements or actions indicating parental responsibility.
Would you like more details on filing the Voluntary Acknowledgment form or pursuing a court order?
To establish paternity in West Virginia without DNA testing, you have two main options:
*. **Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity:**
- Both parents need to sign and file this form.
*. **Court Order:**
- File a petition in family court.
- Present evidence like relationship with the child, financial support, and any statements/actions showing parental responsibility.
Would you like more details on how to file the Voluntary Acknowledgment form or pursue a court order?
To file the Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity form in West Virginia:
*. **Obtain the Form:**
- Available at hospitals, the Bureau for Child Support Enforcement, and the local health department.
*. **Complete and Sign:**
- Both parents must sign the form in front of a notary.
*. **File the Form:**
- Submit the completed form to the Bureau for Child Support Enforcement or the local health department.
For pursuing a court order:
*. **File a Petition:**
- File a petition to establish paternity in family court.
*. **Gather Evidence:**
- Collect evidence like proof of relationship, financial support, and statements/actions indicating parental responsibility.
*. **Court Hearing:**
- Attend the court hearing where the judge will review the evidence and make a determination.
Would you like assistance with obtaining the form or details on filing the petition in family court?