Protective Order Filing Steps
To legally stop your sons wife from threatening your family and vandalizing property, consider filing a protective order in Louisiana. Visit your local courthouse to obtain and complete the necessary forms, detailing the threats and damages. File these forms with the clerk of court. A judge may issue a temporary order until a hearing is scheduled. For residents in Harvey, Jefferson Parish, the nearest courthouse is the Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court - 24th Judicial District Court in Gretna.Full Conversation
My son's wife has been threatening my family for a while, she has also destroyed our property, How can we legally stop her from vandalizing our things.
Hi ****,
I'm sorry to hear about the issues you're facing. Have you considered filing for a protective order or restraining order against your son's wife? This can legally prevent her from coming near your property or threatening you.
Would you like more information on how to file for a protective order in Louisiana?
Yes, but how is it done?
Hi ****,
To file for a protective order (also known as a restraining order) in Louisiana, you can follow these steps:
- Visit your local courthouse and obtain the necessary forms.
- Fill out the forms, providing detailed information about the threats and property damage.
- File the forms with the clerk of court.
- A judge will review your request and may issue a temporary order until a hearing is scheduled.
Would you like to know the location of the nearest courthouse?
Hi ****,
Please provide your specific location in Louisiana, so I can help you find the nearest courthouse where you can file for a protective order.
Harvey Jefferson Parish Louisiana *
Hi ****,
You can file for a protective order at the following location:
Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court - 24th Judicial District Court
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Derbigny St, Gretna, LA *
Website: www.jpclerkofcourt.usVisit the courthouse to obtain and file the necessary forms for the protective order.