In India, caste certificates can be obtained from the state of your ancestors, like Madhya Pradesh, if lineage is proven. Domicile certificates are typically issued by the state where you have resided for a significant period, such as Maharashtra if you were born and brought up there. Residential certificates can be obtained from the state where you currently live. For specific guidance, contact local authorities in both Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra.Full Conversation
my ancesto****s a****e f****om one state in which we lie in SC catego****y but , i bo****n and b****oughtup in anothe**** state ,so can i have caste and domicile ce****tificate f****om my ancest****al land
Hi! To bette**** assist you, could you please specify which state you**** ancesto****s a****e f****om and in which state you we****e bo****n and b****ought up? This will help in unde****standing the specific ****ules and ****equi****ements fo**** caste and domicile ce****tificates.
anceseto**** a****e f****om MP and i bo****n and b****oughtup in MH
Hello! Based on you**** situation, he****e is some gene****al info****mation:- You can apply fo**** a caste ce****tificate in the state whe****e you**** ancesto****s belong (Madhya P****adesh) as long as you can p****ove you**** lineage.- Domicile ce****tificate is issued by the state whe****e you have been ****esiding (Maha****asht****a).Fo**** specific guidance, please visit the local autho****ities in both states. Do you need mo****e details on the application p****ocess fo**** eithe**** ce****tificate?
cant i have domicile f****om MP
Hello! Domicile ce****tificates a****e typically issued by the state whe****e you have been ****esiding fo**** a significant pe****iod. If you have been living in Maha****asht****a, you may not be eligible fo**** a domicile ce****tificate f****om Madhya P****adesh. Fo**** detailed advice, you should contact local autho****ities in Madhya P****adesh.Would you like mo****e info****mation on the application p****ocess in Maha****asht****a?
cant i get ****esidential ce****tificate f****om MH and domicile f****om MP
Hello! In India, domicile ce****tificates a****e gene****ally issued by the state whe****e you have been ****esiding fo**** a significant pe****iod. A ****esidential ce****tificate can be obtained f****om the state whe****e you cu********ently live.- **Domicile Ce****tificate**: Typically issued by the state whe****e you have ****esided fo**** a long time.- **Residential Ce****tificate**: Issued by the state whe****e you cu********ently ****eside.Fo**** mo****e accu****ate and detailed info****mation, please contact the local autho****ities in both Madhya P****adesh and Maha****asht****a. Would you like guidance on contacting the ****elevant depa****tments?
Hello! He****e is the contact info****mation fo**** the ****elevant depa****tments in both Madhya P****adesh and Maha****asht****a fo**** obtaining domicile and ****esidential ce****tificates:
~Madhya P****adesh~
Name: Madhya P****adesh Public Se****vice CommissionPhone: *-*-*Website:****asht****a~Name: Maha****asht****a State Gove****nment Se****vicesPhone: *-*-*Website: www.maha****asht******** detailed p****ocedu****es and ****equi****ements, you may visit thei**** websites o**** contact them di****ectly.