Judges Child Support Rulings
Judges cannot overrule IRS guidelines, making your objection regarding the IRS protection PIN valid. You can appeal the judges decision if errors were made. For concerns about judicial conduct, consider filing a complaint with the Illinois Judicial Inquiry Board. If a vexatious litigant order is issued, you may appeal it. Judges must sign orders for enforceability; challenge unsigned orders if necessary. Consult a local family law attorney for specific advice.Full Conversation
Chicago, Illinois,
It sounds like you're dealing with a challenging situation. Here are a few general points to consider:
- Judges cannot overrule IRS guidelines, so your objection regarding the IRS protection PIN is valid.
- You may appeal the judge's decision if you believe errors were made.
- For concerns about judicial conduct, you might consider filing a complaint with the Illinois Judicial Inquiry Board.
Would you like more information on how to file an appeal or a judicial conduct complaint in Illinois?
the judge also told me on December *, * that she’s banning me from filing any more motions and that I need the courts permission
It sounds like the judge has issued a vexatious litigant order against you. Here are some general points to consider:
- **Vexatious Litigant Orders:** Judges may restrict filings if they believe the litigant is abusing the court system.
- **Appeal:** You may appeal this order if you believe it is unjust.
Would you like more information on how to appeal or challenge this order in Illinois?
I asked you what are your first initials when the judge is not signing what she her rulings were on December *, * but is instead sending me the drafted court order from November *
It sounds like you are facing a challenging situation. Here are a few general points to consider:
- Judges are required to sign orders for them to be enforceable.
- You may challenge the validity of an unsigned order.
- Contact a local family law attorney for specific legal advice.
Would you like information on how to challenge the validity of an unsigned court order in Illinois?
You're not understanding meThe judge is trying to cover up that she wants again deny the motion for the girlfriend's records which are reverent in this caseAttempting to cover up that she is over rolling the IRS's actions
I apologize if my previous responses didn't address your concerns fully. To clarify, it seems you're facing issues with the judge's refusal to sign orders and concerns about judicial conduct. Here are a few key points:
- **Judicial Misconduct:** You can file a complaint with the Illinois Judicial Inquiry Board.
- **Appeals:** You can appeal decisions you believe are unjust.
Would you like more information on how to file a complaint or an appeal in Illinois?