In Kentucky, child support obligations typically end when parental rights are terminated. If no court order specifies ongoing payments, contact the local family court to clarify obligations. Both parents usually have the right to be present during paternity tests. For assistance, reach out to Jefferson County Family Court.Full Conversation
I have been going through this for the last 17 years. I had my first child at33 yrs.old. She was born Auggust7,* termiinated my rights so that Ms. Greene couod adopt her. My dahter was not even 8months the first time I went to jail for child support. I gave heer to Ms. greene because I was an addict at the time. I terminated my rights on July *, * at *:* am. For the paterntity of the father I was nrver present at none of them, i always knew who her father was, he is now deceased. whydo i still have to pay child support
Hi ****,
Thank you for sharing your situation. In Kentucky, generally, when parental rights are terminated, the obligation to pay child support also ends. However, there may be specific circumstances or court orders affecting your case.
Could you confirm if there was a court order specifying ongoing child support payments after the termination of your parental rights?
no there was not i never went back to court after that. my child support is225.* per month. i am homeless and notworking due to me being in andout of mentl health facilities
Hi ****,
Thank you for providing more information. Since there was no court order specifying ongoing child support payments after the termination of your parental rights, it may be beneficial to contact the local family court to clarify your obligations.
Would you like assistance with the contact information for the nearest family court in Kentucky?
wasnt i suppose to be present when she had the father dna tested
Hi ****,
Regarding your question, typically, both parents have the right to be present during a paternity test. However, specifics can vary based on the circumstances and court orders.
Would you like assistance with the contact information for your nearest family court to address your ongoing child support issue?
Jefferson County Family Court
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * W Jefferson St, Louisville, KY *
Website: can contact the family court to address your child support issue and clarify your obligations.