H1b To H4 Conversion


H1B to H4 conversion is possible if your spouse is on H1B status. You need to file Form I-539, Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status. Your spouse must be maintaining H1B status. USCIS processing times vary. The nearest USCIS office to Denton is the Dallas Field Office located at 6500 Campus Circle Drive East, Irving, TX 75063.

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converting h1b to h4
Are you currently in the United States and what is your current immigration status?
in usa and on h1b
What is your spouse's current immigration status?

General Information:
- H1B to H4 conversion is possible if your spouse is on H1B status.
- You need to file Form I-*, Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status.
General Information:
- Your spouse needs to be maintaining H1B status.
- You need to file Form I-*, Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status.
- USCIS processing times vary.
Nearest USCIS office: Please provide your location.
Nearest USCIS office to Denton:
Dallas Field Office
* Campus Circle Drive East
Irving, TX *