Custody Modification Grounds Explained
Significant changes in circumstances, like a parents legal incompetence, can justify modifying a custody order in New Hampshire. Consult a family law attorney for guidance.Full Conversation
I just lost custody of my daughter but found out my ex is legally incompetent and I want to see if that is grounds for a change in the parenting plan
What evidence do you have to prove your ex's legal incompetence? In New Hampshire, a change in circumstances may warrant a modification in the parenting plan.
She is on SSI and requires a representitive payee the SSI website states The law requires most minor children and all legally incompetent adults to have payees.
We presume an adult is capable to manage his or her own benefits. If it appears this may not be true, we gather evidence to decide if we need to appoint a representative payee. Id like to compel this documentation as evidence as well
Have you consulted with a lawyer about using this SSI information as evidence in your case?
In New Hampshire, evidence of a parent's inability to care for a child can impact custody decisions.
not yet
I recommend consulting with a family law attorney in New Hampshire to discuss your case. They can guide you on how to use this evidence effectively.
i just want to know if that infomration is grounds for a change
In New Hampshire, significant changes in circumstances can be grounds for modifying a custody order. Legal incompetence could be considered significant. Consult a family law attorney for advice.