Ada Accommodation Request Process


Employers must engage in the interactive process for ADA accommodations, even if the diagnosis is incomplete. Document communications, request reassignment if needed, and consider mediation or contacting the EEOC if issues persist. Temporary accommodations may not be available for safety-sensitive positions, but reassignment can be requested. If refused, seek a written explanation and consider filing a complaint or contacting the EEOC.

Full Conversation

can I upload an email thread?
Hi ****,
Regarding uploading an email thread, could you please clarify what specific legal issue or question you have related to the content of the email thread? This will help me provide you with more precise information.
Thank you!
Its an HR chat about ADA accomidations
Hi ****,
To better assist you with your HR chat about ADA accommodations, could you please provide more details about the specific issue or concern you have with the accommodations? For instance, are you experiencing issues with your employer regarding the provision of accommodations, or is there another specific aspect you're concerned about?
 [Draft] Saved: Thu */*/* *:* PM ________________________________ From: Kaitlin St Pierre Sent: Thursday, December *, * *:* PM To: John ****ins Subject: RE: Request for Information on ADA, Job Status, and Return to Work John ****ins ​ Kaitlin St Pierre ​ ​ ​ Subject: Follow-Up on ADA Accommodation Request Dear Ms. St. Pierre, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to follow up on my recent request for reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which I have not yet received a response to. I understand that this is a busy time, and I appreciate your attention to this matter. To support my request, I will be sending the necessary medical records and a doctor's note regarding my condition tomorrow. These documents will provide detailed information about my medical condition and the suggested accommodations to ensure a safe and supportive work environment. Additionally, I am requesting any documentation the city has regarding my seizure at work. This information will be helpful for my medical provider and in understanding the full scope of the incident. I look forward to your response and to discussing how we can work together to find a suitable solution that supports both my health and the needs of the City of Slidell. I truly appreciate your understanding and support in this matter. Best regards, John ****ins Facilities Maintenance Engineer City of Slidell DISA/Textron *-*-* Kaitlin St Pierre ​ You ​ Good Afternoon, You were sent home from work pending medical clearance due to the fact that you experienced multiple seizures on multiple separate occurrences and your position is a safety sensitive position. The City of Slidell is kindly requesting documentation stating your medical condition and clearance to return to work full duty from your doctor. As of today, the City of Slidell has not received any paperwork confirming your medical condition or if you are still able to perform your job duties with said condition. While we have received your word regarding your condition, we require medical documentation before making any decisions regarding your return-to-work status. We cannot evaluate any accommodation requests without receiving the proper medical information and medical clearance to return to work. Because you are not eligible for Family Medical Leave coverage and are out of paid leave (sick leave), we have agreed to give you two weeks of unpaid leave to return the requested documentation and obtain clearance to return to work. We are not in a position to extend the two-week timeframe that was given due to you having no paid leave left and because we have not received any documentation regarding your medical condition or ability to return to work. The Human Resources Department no longer has a fax line. You can send your paperwork to the Legal Department’s fax line at my attention. That number is *-*-*. Since you are on an unpaid medical leave of absence, you are not currently cleared to work. Once you are cleared to return to work you will regain access to your City email. Please return the City cell phone and keys as previously requested. I am hopeful that we will continue to work together to achieve your clearance to return to work soon! Thank you! Thanks, Kaitlin St. Pierre, SHRM-CP Human Resources Director City of Slidell * Second Street, Suite * Slidell, LA * Office: *-*-* Cell: *-*-* CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message and accompanying attachments are confidential and privileged. This information is intended solely for the addressee; access by anyone else is unauthorized. No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by erroneous transmission. If you are not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible for delivery to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any forwarding, opening of attachments, disclosure, copying, distribution of contents, or any other action is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic message in error, please delete it and any attachments, and notify the sender at the telephone number listed above. From: John ****ins Sent: Wednesday, December *, * *:* PM To: Kaitlin St Pierre Subject: Re: Request for Information on ADA, Job Status, and Return to Work Can you please send me the fax number to the office you want the records sent to as well as the person or department they should be addressed to and any reference number you want to be included. John ****ins Facilities Maintenance Engineer City of Slidell DISA/Textron *-*-* From: John ****ins Sent: Wednesday, December *, * *:* PM To: Kaitlin St Pierre Subject: Re: Request for Information on ADA, Job Status, and Return to Work Subject: Request for Reasonable Accommodation and Discussion on Potential Reassignment Dear Ms. St. Pierre, I hope this message finds you well. Thank you for your assistance and the detailed information provided regarding my current medical leave and the steps to return to work. I appreciate the support and clarity during this time. I wanted to address the concerns raised about my ability to safely perform my job duties given my epilepsy diagnosis. My medical condition is being managed with Keppra, and I am working closely with my healthcare provider to ensure it is under control. To ensure a safe and supportive work environment, I am formally requesting a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Specifically, I would like to explore the possibility of being reassigned to tasks that do not involve operating heavy machinery or working on moving machinery. Additionally, I am open to discussing any other modifications or accommodations that could be made to my role to minimize risk. I would like to see if we can conduct a health and safety risk assessment with input from my medical provider to determine the most appropriate and safe way to proceed. This will help address any concerns about my ability to perform my duties safely and identify any necessary accommodations. In addition, I wanted to discuss the concern regarding my compensation in the event of temporary or permanent reassignment. I understand that reassignment to a different role may be necessary due to the nature of my medical condition and the safety requirements of my current position. However, I am concerned about the possibility of a reduction in pay as a result of this reassignment. According to the ADA, reassignment should be a reasonable accommodation, and any changes to my role and compensation should be mutually agreed upon. I am currently trying to schedule an appointment with a neurologist; however, the earliest available appointment is on December 18th, which is past the December 16th city deadline. I will work on getting you the proper documentation and will return the keys and phone as soon as possible. I am committed to following the correct procedures and ensuring a safe and efficient return to work as soon as it is medically appropriate. Given the constraints on my medical appointments, could you please clarify if two weeks is all the time I have to process through my treatment options? As I may not have a full medical release by December 16th, I want to ensure we have a plan in place that accommodates my treatment timeline. I truly enjoy working for the City of Slidell and am committed to continuing my contribution in a capacity that supports both my health and the organization’s needs. I would like to have an open and productive conversation about the possibility of reassignment if it is determined that I cannot medically continue in my current role. Thank you for your understanding and support. I look forward to discussing this further and working together to find a suitable solution. Best regards, John ****ins Facilities Maintenance Engineer City of Slidell DISA/Textron *-*-* From: Kaitlin St Pierre Sent: Wednesday, December *, * *:* AM To: John ****ins Subject: RE: Request for Information on ADA, Job Status, and Return to Work Good Morning, Please see my responses below in red. I am requesting the City of Slidell’s keys and cell phone back until you return to work so your job duties can be covered by another individual. Please return those items to the Human Resources Office no later than *:30pm on Friday, December *, *. ADA Accommodations: Could you please provide information on any relevant policies related to ADA accommodations, as they may apply to my situation while I recover? If you have been diagnosed with epilepsy, you are covered under the ADA regarding accommodations. You would have to request the specific accommodations that you need through my office. If you are able to perform the duties of your position, we are more than happy to receive any accommodation requests. Policy #* – Serious Diseases talks about accommodations. See (D) which states that the City of Slidell needs to receive any pertinent medical information needed to determine your ability to continue working or ability to return to work. Your doctor must certify that you are able to perform your job duties even with your diagnosis. I have attached the policy and the return-to-work form with your job description. You must have your doctor complete this form before you can return to work. Employment Status: Could you clarify the current status of my employment and whether any accommodations or adjustments might be available while I am in treatment? You are still employed with the City of Slidell. We will allow you * weeks from Monday, */*/* when you were sent home after having seizures, to get clearance to return to work. You currently are not eligible for Family Medical Leave coverage and only have approximately * hours of sick leave available to use. Any hours missed will be leave without pay until you return. Steps to Return to Work: Could you outline the specific steps I need to take to return to work, including the necessary medical documentation or other requirements I should be aware of? To return to work, you must be cleared by a doctor to return to work full duty. Your position does not have light duty. I have attached the return-to-work form along with your job description. That form must be completed and signed by your doctor before you can return to work. I have attached Policy #* – Sick Leave. Please see (E) stating that any absences of * or more consecutive days due to personal illness requires certification that you can return to work from a doctor. Involuntary Leave Without Pay (LWOP): I understand that I am currently on involuntary LWOP due to my medical condition. Could you provide clarification on the city's policies regarding this leave, including its duration and any implications for my employment status? You are required to use any paid leave time you have accrued for missing working hours before using unpaid leave time. You have approximately * hours of sick leave as of today. Payroll will use these hours on your timecard, and any other missing hours will be coded to leave without pay. I have attached Policy #* – Sick Leave. Please see (I) stating that all accumulated paid leave must be used before unpaid leave can be used. Because you are not eligible for Family Medical Leave coverage, the City of Slidell will allow you * weeks to receive treatment and be cleared to return to work. Medical Insurance: Given that I am on involintary/mandatory medical LWOP, I am concerned about the continuation of my health insurance. Could you provide information on how my insurance coverage will be affected during this period and what steps I need to take to ensure I maintain my coverage? We can work with you to cover the costs of your health insurance until you return to work. This Friday’s paycheck is covered. You have enough working hours to cover the costs of your insurance. You have approximately * hours of sick leave and * working hours on Monday December *, *. This will be enough hours to cover the costs of your insurance premiums for next payroll, check dated December *, *. Lack of Documentation: Could you please explain why I was placed on medical leave without pay but was not given a copy of any relevant policies or documentation regarding this decision? Due to safety concerns, you were sent home from work because you had multiple seizures. You do not have coverage under the Family Medical Leave Act due to not meeting the eligibility requirements. Until you are cleared to return to work, you will be on leave. You are required by policy to use any paid time off first, then leave without pay will start. You have * weeks to provide my office with documentation clearing you to return to work full duty. I hope that you are feeling better and receiving treatment. Please let me know if you have any other questions or if I can be of any assistance. I will check in with you on Monday, December *, *, for an update. Thanks, Kaitlin St. Pierre, SHRM-CP Human Resources Director City of Slidell * Second Street, Suite * Slidell, LA * Office: *-*-* Cell: *-*-* CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message and accompanying attachments are confidential and privileged. This information is intended solely for the addressee; access by anyone else is unauthorized. No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by erroneous transmission. If you are not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible for delivery to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any forwarding, opening of attachments, disclosure, copying, distribution of contents, or any other action is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic message in error, please delete it and any attachments, and notify the sender at the telephone number listed above. From: John ****ins Sent: Tuesday, December *, * *:* PM To: Kaitlin St Pierre Subject: Re: Request for Information on ADA, Job Status, and Return to Work Subject: Follow-Up on Medical Leave and ADA Accommodations Dear Ms. St. Pierre, I hope this message finds you well. Thank you for your recent response regarding my current medical situation. As discussed, I wanted to follow up to clarify a few points in writing, given my current circumstances and need for clear communication. As you know, I have recently been experiencing focal seizures and have been placed on Leave Without Pay by my immediate manager until I am fully medically cleared. Unfortunately, I have also developed a stutter, which makes verbal communication more challenging for me at this time. I would greatly appreciate your assistance in addressing the following questions and concerns: ADA Accommodations: Could you please provide information on any relevant policies related to ADA accommodations, as they may apply to my situation while I recover? Employment Status: Could you clarify the current status of my employment and whether any accommodations or adjustments might be available while I am in treatment? Steps to Return to Work: Could you outline the specific steps I need to take to return to work, including the necessary medical documentation or other requirements I should be aware of? Involuntary Leave Without Pay (LWOP): I understand that I am currently on involuntary LWOP due to my medical condition. Could you provide clarification on the city's policies regarding this leave, including its duration and any implications for my employment status? Medical Insurance: Given that I am on involintary/mandatory medical LWOP, I am concerned about the continuation of my health insurance. Could you provide information on how my insurance coverage will be affected during this period and what steps I need to take to ensure I maintain my coverage? Lack of Documentation: Could you please explain why I was placed on medical leave without pay but was not given a copy of any relevant policies or documentation regarding this decision? Again, I love working for the City of Slidell and I am committed to following the correct procedures and ensuring a safe and efficient return to work as soon as it is medically appropriate. Your guidance in navigating this process would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and support. I look forward to your response. Best regards, John ****ins Facilities Maintenance Engineer City of Slidell DISA/Textron *-*-* From: Kaitlin St Pierre Sent: Tuesday, December *, * *:* PM To: Subject: FW: Request for Information on ADA, Job Status, and Return to Work Good Afternoon, Please give me a call at *-*-* at your earliest convenience. Thank you! Thanks, Kaitlin St. Pierre, SHRM-CP Human Resources Director City of Slidell * Second Street, Suite * Slidell, LA * Office: *-*-* Cell: *-*-* CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message and accompanying attachments are confidential and privileged. This information is intended solely for the addressee; access by anyone else is unauthorized. No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by erroneous transmission. If you are not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible for delivery to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any forwarding, opening of attachments, disclosure, copying, distribution of contents, or any other action is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic message in error, please delete it and any attachments, and notify the sender at the telephone number listed above. -----Original Message----- From: Selena Gordon Sent: Monday, December *, * *:* PM To: Kaitlin St Pierre Subject: FW: Request for Information on ADA, Job Status, and Return to Work -----Original Message----- From: John ****ins Sent: Monday, December *, * *:* PM To: Selena Gordon Subject: Request for Information on ADA, Job Status, and Return to Work You don't often get email from Learn why this is important Selena, I'm reaching out to follow up on the situation regarding my current absence from work. As you know, I was sent home today due to my medical condition, and I was informed by my manager that I should not return to work without a full doctor's release in writing. I understand that the City of Slidell does not have a light-duty policy per our conversation and per my managers conversation with me before I departed work. I was not given any paperwork before I departed. In light of this, I would appreciate it if you could provide some clarity in writing on the following points: *. Any relevant policies related to ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) accommodations, as they may apply to my situation while I recover. *. The current status of my employment, and whether any accommodations or adjustments might be available while I am in treatment. *. The specific steps I need to take to return to work, including the necessary medical documentation or other requirements I should be aware of. I love working for the city and want to ensure I'm following the correct procedures and returning to work as soon as it is medically appropriate. Your assistance and guidance in navigating this process would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and support. I look forward to your response. Best regards, John ****ins Facilities Maintenance Engineer DISA/Textron *-*-* John ****ins ​ Kaitlin St Pierre ​ The appointment for numerology was actually the 27th of December as they had to send me to a seizure specialist within numerology not the one I normally see. John ****ins ​ Kaitlin St Pierre ​ ​ ​ Can you please send me the fax number to the office you want the records sent to as well as the person or department they should be addressed to and any reference number you want to be included. John ****ins Facilities Maintenance Engineer City of Slidell DISA/Textron *-*-* From: John ****ins Sent: Wednesday, December *, * *:* PM To: Kaitlin St Pierre Subject: Re: Request for Information on ADA, Job Status, and Return to Work Subject: Request for Reasonable Accommodation and Discussion on Potential Reassignment Dear Ms. St. Pierre, I hope this message finds you well. Thank you for your assistance and the detailed information provided regarding my current medical leave and the steps to return to work. I appreciate the support and clarity during this time. I wanted to address the concerns raised about my ability to safely perform my job duties given my epilepsy diagnosis. My medical condition is being managed with Keppra, and I am working closely with my healthcare provider to ensure it is under control. To ensure a safe and supportive work environment, I am formally requesting a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Specifically, I would like to explore the possibility of being reassigned to tasks that do not involve operating heavy machinery or working on moving machinery. Additionally, I am open to discussing any other modifications or accommodations that could be made to my role to minimize risk. I would like to see if we can conduct a health and safety risk assessment with input from my medical provider to determine the most appropriate and safe way to proceed. This will help address any concerns about my ability to perform my duties safely and identify any necessary accommodations. In addition, I wanted to discuss the concern regarding my compensation in the event of temporary or permanent reassignment. I understand that reassignment to a different role may be necessary due to the nature of my medical condition and the safety requirements of my current position. However, I am concerned about the possibility of a reduction in pay as a result of this reassignment. According to the ADA, reassignment should be a reasonable accommodation, and any changes to my role and compensation should be mutually agreed upon. I am currently trying to schedule an appointment with a neurologist; however, the earliest available appointment is on December 18th, which is past the December 16th city deadline. I will work on getting you the proper documentation and will return the keys and phone as soon as possible. I am committed to following the correct procedures and ensuring a safe and efficient return to work as soon as it is medically appropriate. Given the constraints on my medical appointments, could you please clarify if two weeks is all the time I have to process through my treatment options? As I may not have a full medical release by December 16th, I want to ensure we have a plan in place that accommodates my treatment timeline. I truly enjoy working for the City of Slidell and am committed to continuing my contribution in a capacity that supports both my health and the organization’s needs. I would like to have an open and productive conversation about the possibility of reassignment if it is determined that I cannot medically continue in my current role. Thank you for your understanding and support. I look forward to discussing this further and working together to find a suitable solution. Best regards, John ****ins Facilities Maintenance Engineer City of Slidell DISA/Textron *-*-* From: Kaitlin St Pierre Sent: Wednesday, December *, * *:* AM To: John ****ins Subject: RE: Request for Information on ADA, Job Status, and Return to Work Good Morning, Please see my responses below in red. I am requesting the City of Slidell’s keys and cell phone back until you return to work so your job duties can be covered by another individual. Please return those items to the Human Resources Office no later than *:30pm on Friday, December *, *. ADA Accommodations: Could you please provide information on any relevant policies related to ADA accommodations, as they may apply to my situation while I recover? If you have been diagnosed with epilepsy, you are covered under the ADA regarding accommodations. You would have to request the specific accommodations that you need through my office. If you are able to perform the duties of your position, we are more than happy to receive any accommodation requests. Policy #* – Serious Diseases talks about accommodations. See (D) which states that the City of Slidell needs to receive any pertinent medical information needed to determine your ability to continue working or ability to return to work. Your doctor must certify that you are able to perform your job duties even with your diagnosis. I have attached the policy and the return-to-work form with your job description. You must have your doctor complete this form before you can return to work. Employment Status: Could you clarify the current status of my employment and whether any accommodations or adjustments might be available while I am in treatment? You are still employed with the City of Slidell. We will allow you * weeks from Monday, */*/* when you were sent home after having seizures, to get clearance to return to work. You currently are not eligible for Family Medical Leave coverage and only have approximately * hours of sick leave available to use. Any hours missed will be leave without pay until you return. Steps to Return to Work: Could you outline the specific steps I need to take to return to work, including the necessary medical documentation or other requirements I should be aware of? To return to work, you must be cleared by a doctor to return to work full duty. Your position does not have light duty. I have attached the return-to-work form along with your job description. That form must be completed and signed by your doctor before you can return to work. I have attached Policy #* – Sick Leave. Please see (E) stating that any absences of * or more consecutive days due to personal illness requires certification that you can return to work from a doctor. Involuntary Leave Without Pay (LWOP): I understand that I am currently on involuntary LWOP due to my medical condition. Could you provide clarification on the city's policies regarding this leave, including its duration and any implications for my employment status? You are required to use any paid leave time you have accrued for missing working hours before using unpaid leave time. You have approximately * hours of sick leave as of today. Payroll will use these hours on your timecard, and any other missing hours will be coded to leave without pay. I have attached Policy #* – Sick Leave. Please see (I) stating that all accumulated paid leave must be used before unpaid leave can be used. Because you are not eligible for Family Medical Leave coverage, the City of Slidell will allow you * weeks to receive treatment and be cleared to return to work. Medical Insurance: Given that I am on involintary/mandatory medical LWOP, I am concerned about the continuation of my health insurance. Could you provide information on how my insurance coverage will be affected during this period and what steps I need to take to ensure I maintain my coverage? We can work with you to cover the costs of your health insurance until you return to work. This Friday’s paycheck is covered. You have enough working hours to cover the costs of your insurance. You have approximately * hours of sick leave and * working hours on Monday December *, *. This will be enough hours to cover the costs of your insurance premiums for next payroll, check dated December *, *. Lack of Documentation: Could you please explain why I was placed on medical leave without pay but was not given a copy of any relevant policies or documentation regarding this decision? Due to safety concerns, you were sent home from work because you had multiple seizures. You do not have coverage under the Family Medical Leave Act due to not meeting the eligibility requirements. Until you are cleared to return to work, you will be on leave. You are required by policy to use any paid time off first, then leave without pay will start. You have * weeks to provide my office with documentation clearing you to return to work full duty. I hope that you are feeling better and receiving treatment. Please let me know if you have any other questions or if I can be of any assistance. I will check in with you on Monday, December *, *, for an update. Thanks, Kaitlin St. Pierre, SHRM-CP Human Resources Director City of Slidell * Second Street, Suite * Slidell, LA * Office: *-*-* Cell: *-*-* CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message and accompanying attachments are confidential and privileged. This information is intended solely for the addressee; access by anyone else is unauthorized. No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by erroneous transmission. If you are not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible for delivery to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any forwarding, opening of attachments, disclosure, copying, distribution of contents, or any other action is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic message in error, please delete it and any attachments, and notify the sender at the telephone number listed above. From: John ****ins Sent: Tuesday, December *, * *:* PM To: Kaitlin St Pierre Subject: Re: Request for Information on ADA, Job Status, and Return to Work Subject: Follow-Up on Medical Leave and ADA Accommodations Dear Ms. St. Pierre, I hope this message finds you well. Thank you for your recent response regarding my current medical situation. As discussed, I wanted to follow up to clarify a few points in writing, given my current circumstances and need for clear communication. As you know, I have recently been experiencing focal seizures and have been placed on Leave Without Pay by my immediate manager until I am fully medically cleared. Unfortunately, I have also developed a stutter, which makes verbal communication more challenging for me at this time. I would greatly appreciate your assistance in addressing the following questions and concerns: ADA Accommodations: Could you please provide information on any relevant policies related to ADA accommodations, as they may apply to my situation while I recover? Employment Status: Could you clarify the current status of my employment and whether any accommodations or adjustments might be available while I am in treatment? Steps to Return to Work: Could you outline the specific steps I need to take to return to work, including the necessary medical documentation or other requirements I should be aware of? Involuntary Leave Without Pay (LWOP): I understand that I am currently on involuntary LWOP due to my medical condition. Could you provide clarification on the city's policies regarding this leave, including its duration and any implications for my employment status? Medical Insurance: Given that I am on involintary/mandatory medical LWOP, I am concerned about the continuation of my health insurance. Could you provide information on how my insurance coverage will be affected during this period and what steps I need to take to ensure I maintain my coverage? Lack of Documentation: Could you please explain why I was placed on medical leave without pay but was not given a copy of any relevant policies or documentation regarding this decision? Again, I love working for the City of Slidell and I am committed to following the correct procedures and ensuring a safe and efficient return to work as soon as it is medically appropriate. Your guidance in navigating this process would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and support. I look forward to your response. Best regards, John ****ins Facilities Maintenance Engineer City of Slidell DISA/Textron *-*-* From: Kaitlin St Pierre Sent: Tuesday, December *, * *:* PM To: Subject: FW: Request for Information on ADA, Job Status, and Return to Work Good Afternoon, Please give me a call at *-*-* at your earliest convenience. Thank you! Thanks, Kaitlin St. Pierre, SHRM-CP Human Resources Director City of Slidell * Second Street, Suite * Slidell, LA * Office: *-*-* Cell: *-*-* CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message and accompanying attachments are confidential and privileged. This information is intended solely for the addressee; access by anyone else is unauthorized. No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by erroneous transmission. If you are not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible for delivery to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any forwarding, opening of attachments, disclosure, copying, distribution of contents, or any other action is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic message in error, please delete it and any attachments, and notify the sender at the telephone number listed above. -----Original Message----- From: Selena Gordon Sent: Monday, December *, * *:* PM To: Kaitlin St Pierre Subject: FW: Request for Information on ADA, Job Status, and Return to Work -----Original Message----- From: John ****ins Sent: Monday, December *, * *:* PM To: Selena Gordon Subject: Request for Information on ADA, Job Status, and Return to Work You don't often get email from Learn why this is important Selena, I'm reaching out to follow up on the situation regarding my current absence from work. As you know, I was sent home today due to my medical condition, and I was informed by my manager that I should not return to work without a full doctor's release in writing. I understand that the City of Slidell does not have a light-duty policy per our conversation and per my managers conversation with me before I departed work. I was not given any paperwork before I departed. In light of this, I would appreciate it if you could provide some clarity in writing on the following points: *. Any relevant policies related to ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) accommodations, as they may apply to my situation while I recover. *. The current status of my employment, and whether any accommodations or adjustments might be available while I am in treatment. *. The specific steps I need to take to return to work, including the necessary medical documentation or other requirements I should be aware of. I love working for the city and want to ensure I'm following the correct procedures and returning to work as soon as it is medically appropriate. Your assistance and guidance in navigating this process would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and support. I look forward to your response. Best regards, John ****ins Facilities Maintenance Engineer DISA/Textron *-*-* John ****ins ​ Kaitlin St Pierre ​ ​ ​ Subject: Request for Reasonable Accommodation and Discussion on Potential Reassignment Dear Ms. St. Pierre, I hope this message finds you well. Thank you for your assistance and the detailed information provided regarding my current medical leave and the steps to return to work. I appreciate the support and clarity during this time. I wanted to address the concerns raised about my ability to safely perform my job duties given my epilepsy diagnosis. My medical condition is being managed with Keppra, and I am working closely with my healthcare provider to ensure it is under control. To ensure a safe and supportive work environment, I am formally requesting a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Specifically, I would like to explore the possibility of being reassigned to tasks that do not involve operating heavy machinery or working on moving machinery. Additionally, I am open to discussing any other modifications or accommodations that could be made to my role to minimize risk. I would like to see if we can conduct a health and safety risk assessment with input from my medical provider to determine the most appropriate and safe way to proceed. This will help address any concerns about my ability to perform my duties safely and identify any necessary accommodations. In addition, I wanted to discuss the concern regarding my compensation in the event of temporary or permanent reassignment. I understand that reassignment to a different role may be necessary due to the nature of my medical condition and the safety requirements of my current position. However, I am concerned about the possibility of a reduction in pay as a result of this reassignment. According to the ADA, reassignment should be a reasonable accommodation, and any changes to my role and compensation should be mutually agreed upon. I am currently trying to schedule an appointment with a neurologist; however, the earliest available appointment is on December 18th, which is past the December 16th city deadline. I will work on getting you the proper documentation and will return the keys and phone as soon as possible. I am committed to following the correct procedures and ensuring a safe and efficient return to work as soon as it is medically appropriate. Given the constraints on my medical appointments, could you please clarify if two weeks is all the time I have to process through my treatment options? As I may not have a full medical release by December 16th, I want to ensure we have a plan in place that accommodates my treatment timeline. I truly enjoy working for the City of Slidell and am committed to continuing my contribution in a capacity that supports both my health and the organization’s needs. I would like to have an open and productive conversation about the possibility of reassignment if it is determined that I cannot medically continue in my current role. Thank you for your understanding and support. I look forward to discussing this further and working together to find a suitable solution. Best regards, John ****ins Facilities Maintenance Engineer City of Slidell DISA/Textron *-*-* From: Kaitlin St Pierre Sent: Wednesday, December *, * *:* AM To: John ****ins Subject: RE: Request for Information on ADA, Job Status, and Return to Work Good Morning, Please see my responses below in red. I am requesting the City of Slidell’s keys and cell phone back until you return to work so your job duties can be covered by another individual. Please return those items to the Human Resources Office no later than *:30pm on Friday, December *, *. ADA Accommodations: Could you please provide information on any relevant policies related to ADA accommodations, as they may apply to my situation while I recover? If you have been diagnosed with epilepsy, you are covered under the ADA regarding accommodations. You would have to request the specific accommodations that you need through my office. If you are able to perform the duties of your position, we are more than happy to receive any accommodation requests. Policy #* – Serious Diseases talks about accommodations. See (D) which states that the City of Slidell needs to receive any pertinent medical information needed to determine your ability to continue working or ability to return to work. Your doctor must certify that you are able to perform your job duties even with your diagnosis. I have attached the policy and the return-to-work form with your job description. You must have your doctor complete this form before you can return to work. Employment Status: Could you clarify the current status of my employment and whether any accommodations or adjustments might be available while I am in treatment? You are still employed with the City of Slidell. We will allow you * weeks from Monday, */*/* when you were sent home after having seizures, to get clearance to return to work. You currently are not eligible for Family Medical Leave coverage and only have approximately * hours of sick leave available to use. Any hours missed will be leave without pay until you return. Steps to Return to Work: Could you outline the specific steps I need to take to return to work, including the necessary medical documentation or other requirements I should be aware of? To return to work, you must be cleared by a doctor to return to work full duty. Your position does not have light duty. I have attached the return-to-work form along with your job description. That form must be completed and signed by your doctor before you can return to work. I have attached Policy #* – Sick Leave. Please see (E) stating that any absences of * or more consecutive days due to personal illness requires certification that you can return to work from a doctor. Involuntary Leave Without Pay (LWOP): I understand that I am currently on involuntary LWOP due to my medical condition. Could you provide clarification on the city's policies regarding this leave, including its duration and any implications for my employment status? You are required to use any paid leave time you have accrued for missing working hours before using unpaid leave time. You have approximately * hours of sick leave as of today. Payroll will use these hours on your timecard, and any other missing hours will be coded to leave without pay. I have attached Policy #* – Sick Leave. Please see (I) stating that all accumulated paid leave must be used before unpaid leave can be used. Because you are not eligible for Family Medical Leave coverage, the City of Slidell will allow you * weeks to receive treatment and be cleared to return to work. Medical Insurance: Given that I am on involintary/mandatory medical LWOP, I am concerned about the continuation of my health insurance. Could you provide information on how my insurance coverage will be affected during this period and what steps I need to take to ensure I maintain my coverage? We can work with you to cover the costs of your health insurance until you return to work. This Friday’s paycheck is covered. You have enough working hours to cover the costs of your insurance. You have approximately * hours of sick leave and * working hours on Monday December *, *. This will be enough hours to cover the costs of your insurance premiums for next payroll, check dated December *, *. Lack of Documentation: Could you please explain why I was placed on medical leave without pay but was not given a copy of any relevant policies or documentation regarding this decision? Due to safety concerns, you were sent home from work because you had multiple seizures. You do not have coverage under the Family Medical Leave Act due to not meeting the eligibility requirements. Until you are cleared to return to work, you will be on leave. You are required by policy to use any paid time off first, then leave without pay will start. You have * weeks to provide my office with documentation clearing you to return to work full duty. I hope that you are feeling better and receiving treatment. Please let me know if you have any other questions or if I can be of any assistance. I will check in with you on Monday, December *, *, for an update. Thanks, Kaitlin St. Pierre, SHRM-CP Human Resources Director City of Slidell * Second Street, Suite * Slidell, LA * Office: *-*-* Cell: *-*-* CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message and accompanying attachments are confidential and privileged. This information is intended solely for the addressee; access by anyone else is unauthorized. No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by erroneous transmission. If you are not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible for delivery to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any forwarding, opening of attachments, disclosure, copying, distribution of contents, or any other action is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic message in error, please delete it and any attachments, and notify the sender at the telephone number listed above. From: John ****ins Sent: Tuesday, December *, * *:* PM To: Kaitlin St Pierre Subject: Re: Request for Information on ADA, Job Status, and Return to Work Subject: Follow-Up on Medical Leave and ADA Accommodations Dear Ms. St. Pierre, I hope this message finds you well. Thank you for your recent response regarding my current medical situation. As discussed, I wanted to follow up to clarify a few points in writing, given my current circumstances and need for clear communication. As you know, I have recently been experiencing focal seizures and have been placed on Leave Without Pay by my immediate manager until I am fully medically cleared. Unfortunately, I have also developed a stutter, which makes verbal communication more challenging for me at this time. I would greatly appreciate your assistance in addressing the following questions and concerns: ADA Accommodations: Could you please provide information on any relevant policies related to ADA accommodations, as they may apply to my situation while I recover? Employment Status: Could you clarify the current status of my employment and whether any accommodations or adjustments might be available while I am in treatment? Steps to Return to Work: Could you outline the specific steps I need to take to return to work, including the necessary medical documentation or other requirements I should be aware of? Involuntary Leave Without Pay (LWOP): I understand that I am currently on involuntary LWOP due to my medical condition. Could you provide clarification on the city's policies regarding this leave, including its duration and any implications for my employment status? Medical Insurance: Given that I am on involintary/mandatory medical LWOP, I am concerned about the continuation of my health insurance. Could you provide information on how my insurance coverage will be affected during this period and what steps I need to take to ensure I maintain my coverage? Lack of Documentation: Could you please explain why I was placed on medical leave without pay but was not given a copy of any relevant policies or documentation regarding this decision? Again, I love working for the City of Slidell and I am committed to following the correct procedures and ensuring a safe and efficient return to work as soon as it is medically appropriate. Your guidance in navigating this process would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and support. I look forward to your response. Best regards, John ****ins Facilities Maintenance Engineer City of Slidell DISA/Textron *-*-* From: Kaitlin St Pierre Sent: Tuesday, December *, * *:* PM To: Subject: FW: Request for Information on ADA, Job Status, and Return to Work Good Afternoon, Please give me a call at *-*-* at your earliest convenience. Thank you! Thanks, Kaitlin St. Pierre, SHRM-CP Human Resources Director City of Slidell * Second Street, Suite * Slidell, LA * Office: *-*-* Cell: *-*-* CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message and accompanying attachments are confidential and privileged. This information is intended solely for the addressee; access by anyone else is unauthorized. No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by erroneous transmission. If you are not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible for delivery to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any forwarding, opening of attachments, disclosure, copying, distribution of contents, or any other action is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic message in error, please delete it and any attachments, and notify the sender at the telephone number listed above. -----Original Message----- From: Selena Gordon Sent: Monday, December *, * *:* PM To: Kaitlin St Pierre Subject: FW: Request for Information on ADA, Job Status, and Return to Work -----Original Message----- From: John ****ins Sent: Monday, December *, * *:* PM To: Selena Gordon Subject: Request for Information on ADA, Job Status, and Return to Work You don't often get email from Learn why this is important Selena, I'm reaching out to follow up on the situation regarding my current absence from work. As you know, I was sent home today due to my medical condition, and I was informed by my manager that I should not return to work without a full doctor's release in writing. I understand that the City of Slidell does not have a light-duty policy per our conversation and per my managers conversation with me before I departed work. I was not given any paperwork before I departed. In light of this, I would appreciate it if you could provide some clarity in writing on the following points: *. Any relevant policies related to ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) accommodations, as they may apply to my situation while I recover. *. The current status of my employment, and whether any accommodations or adjustments might be available while I am in treatment. *. The specific steps I need to take to return to work, including the necessary medical documentation or other requirements I should be aware of. I love working for the city and want to ensure I'm following the correct procedures and returning to work as soon as it is medically appropriate. Your assistance and guidance in navigating this process would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and support. I look forward to your response. Best regards, John ****ins Facilities Maintenance Engineer DISA/Textron *-*-* Kaitlin St Pierre ​ You ​ Good Morning, Please see my responses below in red. I am requesting the City of Slidell’s keys and cell phone back until you return to work so your job duties can be covered by another individual. Please return those items to the Human Resources Office no later than *:30pm on Friday, December *, *. ADA Accommodations: Could you please provide information on any relevant policies related to ADA accommodations, as they may apply to my situation while I recover? If you have been diagnosed with epilepsy, you are covered under the ADA regarding accommodations. You would have to request the specific accommodations that you need through my office. If you are able to perform the duties of your position, we are more than happy to receive any accommodation requests. Policy #* – Serious Diseases talks about accommodations. See (D) which states that the City of Slidell needs to receive any pertinent medical information needed to determine your ability to continue working or ability to return to work. Your doctor must certify that you are able to perform your job duties even with your diagnosis. I have attached the policy and the return-to-work form with your job description. You must have your doctor complete this form before you can return to work. Employment Status: Could you clarify the current status of my employment and whether any accommodations or adjustments might be available while I am in treatment? You are still employed with the City of Slidell. We will allow you * weeks from Monday, */*/* when you were sent home after having seizures, to get clearance to return to work. You currently are not eligible for Family Medical Leave coverage and only have approximately * hours of sick leave available to use. Any hours missed will be leave without pay until you return. Steps to Return to Work: Could you outline the specific steps I need to take to return to work, including the necessary medical documentation or other requirements I should be aware of? To return to work, you must be cleared by a doctor to return to work full duty. Your position does not have light duty. I have attached the return-to-work form along with your job description. That form must be completed and signed by your doctor before you can return to work. I have attached Policy #* – Sick Leave. Please see (E) stating that any absences of * or more consecutive days due to personal illness requires certification that you can return to work from a doctor. Involuntary Leave Without Pay (LWOP): I understand that I am currently on involuntary LWOP due to my medical condition. Could you provide clarification on the city's policies regarding this leave, including its duration and any implications for my employment status? You are required to use any paid leave time you have accrued for missing working hours before using unpaid leave time. You have approximately * hours of sick leave as of today. Payroll will use these hours on your timecard, and any other missing hours will be coded to leave without pay. I have attached Policy #* – Sick Leave. Please see (I) stating that all accumulated paid leave must be used before unpaid leave can be used. Because you are not eligible for Family Medical Leave coverage, the City of Slidell will allow you * weeks to receive treatment and be cleared to return to work. Medical Insurance: Given that I am on involintary/mandatory medical LWOP, I am concerned about the continuation of my health insurance. Could you provide information on how my insurance coverage will be affected during this period and what steps I need to take to ensure I maintain my coverage? We can work with you to cover the costs of your health insurance until you return to work. This Friday’s paycheck is covered. You have enough working hours to cover the costs of your insurance. You have approximately * hours of sick leave and * working hours on Monday December *, *. This will be enough hours to cover the costs of your insurance premiums for next payroll, check dated December *, *. Lack of Documentation: Could you please explain why I was placed on medical leave without pay but was not given a copy of any relevant policies or documentation regarding this decision? Due to safety concerns, you were sent home from work because you had multiple seizures. You do not have coverage under the Family Medical Leave Act due to not meeting the eligibility requirements. Until you are cleared to return to work, you will be on leave. You are required by policy to use any paid time off first, then leave without pay will start. You have * weeks to provide my office with documentation clearing you to return to work full duty. I hope that you are feeling better and receiving treatment. Please let me know if you have any other questions or if I can be of any assistance. I will check in with you on Monday, December *, *, for an update. Thanks, Kaitlin St. Pierre, SHRM-CP Human Resources Director City of Slidell * Second Street, Suite * Slidell, LA * Office: *-*-* Cell: *-*-* CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message and accompanying attachments are confidential and privileged. This information is intended solely for the addressee; access by anyone else is unauthorized. No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by erroneous transmission. If you are not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible for delivery to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any forwarding, opening of attachments, disclosure, copying, distribution of contents, or any other action is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic message in error, please delete it and any attachments, and notify the sender at the telephone number listed above. Kaitlin St Pierre ​ You ​ Good Afternoon, I have received and am working to respond to your first email. I will contact your supervisor and take care of that asap. You are correct, and I would like to keep the communication between you and I (HR OFFICE) only for clarity and ease. Thank you so much! Thanks, Kaitlin St. Pierre, SHRM-CP Human Resources Director City of Slidell * Second Street, Suite * Slidell, LA * Office: *-*-* Cell: *-*-* CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message and accompanying attachments are confidential and privileged. This information is intended solely for the addressee; access by anyone else is unauthorized. No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by erroneous transmission. If you are not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible for delivery to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any forwarding, opening of attachments, disclosure, copying, distribution of contents, or any other action is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic message in error, please delete it and any attachments, and notify the sender at the telephone number listed above. From: John ****ins Sent: Tuesday, December *, * *:* PM To: Kaitlin St Pierre Subject: Re: Request for Information on ADA, Job Status, and Return to Work You don't often get email from Learn why this is important Subject: Communication Regarding Medical Leave Dear Ms. St. Pierre, I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to bring to your attention that my manager has reached out to me via text message regarding my current medical leave situation. While I greatly appreciate the concern and understand the importance of staying informed, I believe it would be best to continue our communication through HR to ensure clarity and consistency in handling this matter. This approach will help me manage my medical condition more effectively and ensure that all relevant information is documented appropriately. Thank you for your understanding and support. I look forward to your guidance in navigating this process and appreciate the assistance provided so far. Best regards, John ****ins Facilities Maintenance Engineer City of Slidell DISA/Textron *-*-* From: John ****ins Sent: Tuesday, December *, * *:* PM To: Kaitlin St Pierre Subject: Re: Request for Information on ADA, Job Status, and Return to Work Subject: Follow-Up on Medical Leave and ADA Accommodations Dear Ms. St. Pierre, I hope this message finds you well. Thank you for your recent response regarding my current medical situation. As discussed, I wanted to follow up to clarify a few points in writing, given my current circumstances and need for clear communication. As you know, I have recently been experiencing focal seizures and have been placed on Leave Without Pay by my immediate manager until I am fully medically cleared. Unfortunately, I have also developed a stutter, which makes verbal communication more challenging for me at this time. I would greatly appreciate your assistance in addressing the following questions and concerns: ADA Accommodations: Could you please provide information on any relevant policies related to ADA accommodations, as they may apply to my situation while I recover? Employment Status: Could you clarify the current status of my employment and whether any accommodations or adjustments might be available while I am in treatment? Steps to Return to Work: Could you outline the specific steps I need to take to return to work, including the necessary medical documentation or other requirements I should be aware of? Involuntary Leave Without Pay (LWOP): I understand that I am currently on involuntary LWOP due to my medical condition. Could you provide clarification on the city's policies regarding this leave, including its duration and any implications for my employment status? Medical Insurance: Given that I am on involintary/mandatory medical LWOP, I am concerned about the continuation of my health insurance. Could you provide information on how my insurance coverage will be affected during this period and what steps I need to take to ensure I maintain my coverage? Lack of Documentation: Could you please explain why I was placed on medical leave without pay but was not given a copy of any relevant policies or documentation regarding this decision? Again, I love working for the City of Slidell and I am committed to following the correct procedures and ensuring a safe and efficient return to work as soon as it is medically appropriate. Your guidance in navigating this process would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and support. I look forward to your response. Best regards, John ****ins Facilities Maintenance Engineer City of Slidell DISA/Textron *-*-* From: Kaitlin St Pierre Sent: Tuesday, December *, * *:* PM To: Subject: FW: Request for Information on ADA, Job Status, and Return to Work Good Afternoon, Please give me a call at *-*-* at your earliest convenience. Thank you! Thanks, Kaitlin St. Pierre, SHRM-CP Human Resources Director City of Slidell * Second Street, Suite * Slidell, LA * Office: *-*-* Cell: *-*-* CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message and accompanying attachments are confidential and privileged. This information is intended solely for the addressee; access by anyone else is unauthorized. No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by erroneous transmission. If you are not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible for delivery to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any forwarding, opening of attachments, disclosure, copying, distribution of contents, or any other action is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic message in error, please delete it and any attachments, and notify the sender at the telephone number listed above. -----Original Message----- From: Selena Gordon Sent: Monday, December *, * *:* PM To: Kaitlin St Pierre Subject: FW: Request for Information on ADA, Job Status, and Return to Work -----Original Message----- From: John ****ins Sent: Monday, December *, * *:* PM To: Selena Gordon Subject: Request for Information on ADA, Job Status, and Return to Work You don't often get email from Learn why this is important Selena, I'm reaching out to follow up on the situation regarding my current absence from work. As you know, I was sent home today due to my medical condition, and I was informed by my manager that I should not return to work without a full doctor's release in writing. I understand that the City of Slidell does not have a light-duty policy per our conversation and per my managers conversation with me before I departed work. I was not given any paperwork before I departed. In light of this, I would appreciate it if you could provide some clarity in writing on the following points: *. Any relevant policies related to ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) accommodations, as they may apply to my situation while I recover. *. The current status of my employment, and whether any accommodations or adjustments might be available while I am in treatment. *. The specific steps I need to take to return to work, including the necessary medical documentation or other requirements I should be aware of. I love working for the city and want to ensure I'm following the correct procedures and returning to work as soon as it is medically appropriate. Your assistance and guidance in navigating this process would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and support. I look forward to your response. Best regards, John ****ins Facilities Maintenance Engineer DISA/Textron *-*-* John ****ins ​ Kaitlin St Pierre ​ ​ ​ Subject: Communication Regarding Medical Leave Dear Ms. St. Pierre, I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to bring to your attention that my manager has reached out to me via text message regarding my current medical leave situation. While I greatly appreciate the concern and understand the importance of stay
Hi ****,
To better assist you with your HR chat about ADA accommodations, could you please specify if you have any concerns regarding the process, the response you received, or any specific issues related to the accommodations requested?
Best regards,
Given the above, what else can i do? I feel the response is hostile.
Hi ****,
I'm sorry to hear that you feel the response was hostile. Here are some steps you can consider:
- **Document Everything:** Keep records of all communications.
- **Request Clarification:** Politely ask for any unclear points to be clarified in writing.
- **Seek Mediation:** Consider requesting a meeting with a neutral HR representative or mediator.
- **Legal Advice:** Consult with a lawyer specializing in employment law or ADA issues in Georgia.
Is there a specific part of the response that you found particularly troubling? This will help provide more tailored advice.
This is in the state of Louisiana
Hi ****,
I apologize for the oversight. Here are some steps you can consider in Louisiana:
- **Document Everything:** Keep records of all communications.
- **Request Clarification:** Politely ask for any unclear points to be clarified in writing.
- **Seek Mediation:** Consider requesting a meeting with a neutral HR representative or mediator.
- **Contact EEOC:** You may contact the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) for assistance with ADA issues.
Is there a specific part of the response that you found particularly troubling?
The hostile person is the head of HR
Hi ****,
Given your situation, consider these additional steps:
- **Formal Complaint:** File a formal complaint with a higher authority within the organization.
- **External Mediation:** Seek external mediation services if internal mediation is not effective.
- **Contact EEOC:** Reach out to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) for further assistance.
Would you like details on how to contact the EEOC?
Do Civil Servants in the state of La have mediation rights?
Hi ****,
Civil servants in Louisiana do have rights to mediation. Here are some key points:
- **State Employee Mediation Program:** Louisiana offers a mediation program for state employees to resolve workplace disputes.
- **EEOC Mediation:** You can request mediation through the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) for ADA-related issues.
Would you like details on how to contact the EEOC?
Does this apply if I am a Civil Servant for the City of Slidell in the State of LA?
Hi ****,
Yes, as a civil servant for the City of Slidell, you can still access mediation services. Here are your options:
- **State Employee Mediation Program:** Available to resolve workplace disputes.
- **EEOC Mediation:** Available for ADA-related issues.
Would you like details on how to contact the EEOC?
Can the city refuse to initiate the interactive process even if I am still working on completing my diagnosis process?
Hi ****,
Under the ADA, employers are required to engage in an interactive process once an accommodation request is made, even if the diagnosis process is not yet complete. Key points:
- **Engage in Good Faith:** Both parties must engage in good faith.
- **Documentation:** Provide any available medical documentation.
- **Temporary Accommodations:** Request temporary accommodations if needed.
Would you like more details?
I have been told that temporary accommodations are not available due to it being a safety sensitive position.
Hi ****,
Here are some key points regarding your situation:
- **Interactive Process:** The employer must still engage in the interactive process even if temporary accommodations are not available.
- **Medical Documentation:** Continue providing medical documentation as you receive it.
- **Request Reassignment:** You can request reassignment to a non-safety sensitive position as a reasonable accommodation.
Would you like more detailed information on requesting reassignment?
The city has refused reassignment
Hi ****,
Here are some steps you can consider following the city's refusal to reassign:
- **Document Everything:** Keep detailed records of all communications.
- **Request Written Explanation:** Ask for a written explanation for the refusal.
- **File a Complaint:** File a formal complaint with a higher authority within the city.
- **Contact EEOC:** Reach out to the EEOC for assistance with ADA issues.
Would you like details on how to contact the EEOC?
is it common for someones life to be ruined after going after a city for discrimination?
Hi ****,
I understand your concerns. While pursuing a discrimination case can be stressful, many people seek justice successfully. Key points to consider:
- **Support System:** Lean on friends, family, or support groups.
- **Legal Advice:** Consult with a lawyer to understand your options and protections.
- **Stress Management:** Engage in activities that reduce stress.
Would you like more detailed information on finding legal support?