In South Africa, employees should receive a written contract within two months of starting work. Long working hours without overtime pay may violate the Basic Conditions of Employment Act. Being excluded from meetings where your behavior is discussed can be seen as unfair practices. Approaching the CCMA can lead to mediation, arbitration, or a formal hearing to resolve these issues. To file a case with the CCMA in Pretoria, complete the CCMA Referral Form (LRA Form 7.11) and submit it to the CCMA office. The CCMA will schedule a hearing date and notify you.Full Conversation
I need advice on how to handle a situation at work that is unfair
Hi Micheal, I'm here to help. Could you please provide me with your location? Different regions have different employment laws, and this information will help me give you the most accurate advice.
Hi Micheal, thank you for providing your location. Could you please give more details about the unfair situation at work? This will help me provide more specific information relevant to your case.
So basically I've been employed by the same company since * ever since I've never received a contract or employment letter. I do receive payslips and a salary. So whats happening now is that I've been placed in a theater to work under the company as we are only the retainer i do work very long hours and don't receive over time aswell as weekends specially weekends. I also work 6 days a week sometimes 7 days. I've started to do more than i necessary need to do as some task are not on my arrangement with the company. Never the less some time back the theatre as arranged a meeting about my behavior without me being present in the meeting after that the company has given me a written warning that is valid for 3 months now that was back in *. At the end of the year of * I've arranged a meeting with the company about whats going on in the theatre and sharing my concerns about the other employe of the theatre who is always late and puts his responsibilitys on to me I've also shared my concerns about the safety of some equipment I've been using and the matter was referred to the theatre manager. Today they have informed me they have a meeting with the above said employee and not allowing me to join. Iw this a valid case to take on with ccma for not including me in the meeting and unfair practices and so what will i gain when i approach the CCMA
Hi Micheal, here are some points regarding your situation:
- In South Africa, employees should receive a written contract within 2 months of starting work.
- Long working hours without overtime pay may violate the Basic Conditions of Employment Act.
- Being excluded from meetings where your behavior is discussed can be seen as unfair practices.
Approaching the CCMA can lead to mediation, arbitration, or a formal hearing to resolve these issues.
CCMA Pretoria
Phone: * * *
Address: * Francis Baard Street, Pretoria Central, Pretoria, *
Website: you like more details on how to file a case with the CCMA?
To file a case with the CCMA in Pretoria, follow these steps:
- Complete the CCMA Referral Form (LRA Form *.*).
- Submit the form to the CCMA office either in person, by fax, or via email.
- The CCMA will schedule a hearing date and notify you.
CCMA Pretoria
Phone: * * *
Address: * Francis Baard Street, Pretoria Central, Pretoria, *
Website: you like assistance with completing the referral form?