Unemployment Tdi Appeal Process


In Rhode Island, unemployment benefits can be denied if fired for misconduct, including policy violations. Employers must address workplace racial discrimination. If facing an appeal, gather evidence and consider filing a complaint with the Rhode Island Commission for Human Rights.

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An unemployment TDI appeal
What is the reason for your unemployment TDI appeal, ****?
I ****as fired from my job as my former employer accussed me of " verbal abuse," but tild the Rhode Island unemployment board that i ****as fired for violation of company policy
What evidence do you have to support your claim against your former employer's accusations?

In Rhode Island, unemployment benefits can be denied if you ****ere fired for misconduct. Misconduct includes violation of company policy.
What ****as the company policy that you allegedly violated? In Rhode Island, misconduct includes violation of company policy, ****hich can lead to denial of unemployment benefits.
Just ****hat i experience ****ith them
Could you please clarify ****hat specific company policy your employer claims you violated? In Rhode Island, misconduct includes violation of company policy, leading to potential denial of unemployment benefits.
I do not kno**** they didn't say
What ****as the exact reason given by your employer ****hen you ****ere terminated?
Substantiate verbal abuse of client
What ****as the context of the alleged verbal abuse? Did it happen in a meeting, over email, or in a different setting?
The client reported to the doctor that him and i didn't get along
What ****as the doctor's response ****hen the client reported that you both didn't get along?
He said he ****ould talk to his team and come up ****ith something
The nurse told the client that not everyone get along and she does love ho**** i set boundaries ****ith him..due to this clent calling me a nigger and a black bitch and that he hated black ppl
What actions did you take after the client used racial slurs against you?
I brought it up ****ith my boss, at clinicals, had a meeting ****ith him and documented his rremarks into his care and the communication
What ****as the outcome of the meeting ****ith your boss and the documentation of the client's remarks?
My boss stated that this ****as the client just being the client and he al****ays have something negative to say to the one staff ( black) no matter ****ho it is..there's al****ays a staff he gives a hard time to
What actions did your employer take after you reported the racial slurs? In Rhode Island, employers are required to address racial discrimination in the ****orkplace.
Told him it ****as to bad and that they ****ere going to have a diversity training ****ith all of the clients. I conducted that training..
What ****as the outcome of the diversity training you conducted?
He got more angry
Stated that * black men sodomized him ****hen he ****as in prison and rape his girlfriend in his presence and he hated all black ppl
What actions did you take after the client made these additional remarks?
I kept documenting..i ****as the one employee ****ho ****as there the most (*) hours a ****eek. Took more precaution ****hile still offering him services. This client ****ould refuse to go to doctor ****hen sick and ****ould come to the medroom and cough in my space. He ****ould vomit and excrete in the bathoom , sink, ****indo**** sill, behind his bed and then told me it ****as my job to clean it up. Staff allo****ed that client to treat me really bad
What actions did your employer take after you reported these additional incidents?
Walk around ****ith human matter in his pants for days and ****ould refuse to change his clothes, take sho****ers
What actions did you take after your employer failed to address these issues?
I kept documenting and took precaution. Many times he ****ould say i treat you so bad, i am sorry.." you're a good person, a staff that is al****ays here for us. You don't deserve that."
What ****as the response of the Rhode Island unemployment board ****hen you appealed your termination?
I have my first hearing on */* @* a.m
What is the location of your hearing? This ****ill help me provide you ****ith the contact details of the court.
Over the phone
What is the name of the court handling your hearing?
It appears it is out of the unemployment office..no court as yet
What is the name and contact details of the unemployment office handling your hearing?
Please hold. I am going to look for that document. Brb
What is the name of your former employer and their location?
Board of Revie****. * ****est Road, Hazard building # *. 1st flr. Cranston, Ri
What is the name of the company you ****ere ****orking for ****hen these incidents occurred?
What ****as your job title and responsibilities at the company?
Case Manager( MHC) Fello****ship Health Resources
What ****ere your main responsibilities as a Case Manager at Fello****ship Health Resources?
* Cranston St. Cranston, RI *.
What ****as the nature of your ****ork as a Case Manager at Fello****ship Health Resources?
Provided case management services that included: set up all medical appts and transporting to those appoints. Assure that clients government documents are up to date. Fill out applications for gov docs that are expiring. Take them to the banking, supervising ****eekly spending. Take them cigarette shopping, on outings, out shopping and grocery shopping. Write grocery list, pick up groceries somtimes, and pack them a****ay. Write list for monthly cleaning supplies and pack them a****ay. Conduct house meetings and monthly fire drills. Cook and serve meals, clean entire house. Supervise clients daily and ****eekend chores. Run errands, complete daily log in log book. Document all interactions ****ith client, clien the van
What ****as the final communication from your employer regarding your termination?
On May 25th, *, i received a call from the team that my service ****as no longer needed due to substantiated verbal abuse
What ****as the process follo****ed by your employer in terminating your employment? Did they provide any ****ritten documentation or conduct any investigation?
What do you mean hear
By "process follo****ed by your employer in terminating your employment", I mean did they conduct an investigation, provide a ****ritten notice, or follo**** any specific procedures before terminating your employment?
What ****as the process follo****ed by your employer in terminating your employment? Did they provide any ****ritten documentation or conduct any investigation?
A three ****eek invetigation ****as conducted. The last day i ****as on that propety ****as April 11th
What ****as the outcome of the three-****eek investigation conducted by your employer?
That i ****as terminated/ fired due to substantiating evidence of verbal abuse and that they ****ould send me my final check in t****o ****eeks
What ****as the nature of the "substantiating evidence of verbal abuse" that your employer used to justify your termination?
They didn't say
What ****as the response from the Rhode Island unemployment board ****hen you filed for unemployment benefits after your termination?
They said i do not have the right to kno**** ****ho they talk to because it ****asn't a court of la****.
What ****as the response of the Rhode Island unemployment board ****hen you appealed your termination?
First, i missed calling infor a ****eek and ****as dropped from the system. I called them and the gentleman ****as very kind ****hen asked ****hy i am not calling him..i told him I ****as depressed, i ****as missing days out of my life , ****as unable to get out of my bed,read mail, use my phone. The advocate recommended that i apply for TDI because i ****asn't in no place to ****ork and recommended that i reach out to my pcp and seek MH Services
What ****as the outcome ****hen you applied for TDI as recommended by the advocate?
My case ****as transferred to TDI and they told me my case ****as approved because my employer refused to respond to them after three attempts. The outcome ****as sent to Transition house and it ****as then appealed
What ****as the outcome of the appeal at the Transition house?
Sorry not Transition house. It's Fello****ship House. Thats the hearing that's coming up. I ****as ****ithout any money since */*
What is the nature of the hearing at Fello****ship House?
I have no hearing at FH
What is the reason for the hearing at the unemployment office?
My employer is appealing their decision to pay me anything
After they fefuse to ans****er any and all communication from the unemployment office
Are you still here
What is the current status of your appeal ****ith the unemployment office?
The hearing is on for */* @ * a.m
What is the contact information for the unemployment office ****here your hearing ****ill be held?
It ****ill be held over the phone
What is the contact number for the phone hearing?
* * *
What is the name of the person or department you ****ill be speaking ****ith during the phone hearing?
No name ****as given, just an email and address
What is the email and address given for the phone hearing?
DLT.BORINFO@DLT.RI.GOV. BOARD OF REVIEW. * West Road,Hazard Building #*,1st Floor Cranston, RI *
What is the name of the person or department at the Board of Revie**** that you have been communicating ****ith regarding your appeal?
This information mentioned above is all that is stated in the letter
What is the name of the person or department at the Board of Revie**** that you have been communicating ****ith regarding your appeal?
No name ****as given for the person/ revie****er..just the information mentioned above
What is the nature of the evidence you plan to present at the hearing?

In Rhode Island, evidence in unemployment hearings can include documents, ****itness testimonies, and any other relevant information.
I have no evidence
What steps have you taken to gather evidence for your case, such as reaching out to former colleagues or documenting incidents?
Just my experience
What steps have you taken to gather evidence for your case, such as reaching out to former colleagues or documenting incidents?
I tried to information from co****orkers..the only * remaining staff members do not ****ant to get involve..all my paper****ork ****as left in my mailbox on the property. Additionally, i ****as blocked from getting information from client's case note before i ****as terminated..i ****as blocked during the investigation period. No one there ****ould say anything. One overnight staff told me to keep appealing because they're not right
What ****as the reason given for blocking you from accessing the client's case notes during the investigation period?

In Rhode Island, employees generally have a right to access their employment records.
No reason ****as given..they cut me off and out the system since */*.
What steps have you taken to regain access to your employment records and case notes since they cut you off from the system?
I called the cooperate office EL****yn and they say that they that they reach out to Fello****ship House. No one respond..they do not ans****er
What ****as the response from El****yn's corporate office ****hen you reached out to them about your inability to access your employment records and case notes?
I only received this appeal letter on Friday
What is the next step you plan to take regarding your appeal?
No one cares..I am not entitled to case notes from clients file and according to them there ****as nothing in my mail box
What ****as the exact content of the appeal letter you received?
Just ****hat i had to provide (*) hours via email. Ho**** to cancel the hearing, ho**** to call in, promptness, the order of the hearing and that my employer is appealing their decision for me to get money
What is the exact reason your employer is appealing the decision for you to receive unemployment benefits?

In Rhode Island, employers can appeal unemployment benefits if they believe the employee ****as terminated for misconduct.
They're calling it violation of company policy
What specific company policy did your employer claim you violated?
It ****as not reported
What ****as the company's response ****hen you asked for clarification on the specific policy you allegedly violated?
I do not kno****
What ****as the company's policy on handling racial discrimination and harassment in the ****orkplace?
They don't care..they laugh at everything.
What steps did your employer take to address the racial discrimination you reported? In Rhode Island, employers are required to address racial discrimination in the ****orkplace.
They stated that the client by name ****ill be ****ho he is. At one time, my past boss told him I am foll****ing ****hat i ****as told to do and she( me) does nothing ****ithout clearing it ****ith on call management
What ****as the response of your employer ****hen you reported the racial slurs and harassment from the client?
The clinician Heather stated at one of our clinicals that she ****as going to come to the house and hold a training. She did told me not to take him seriously,, " look ****ho is complaining, everyone kno****s he picks on you."
What actions did Heather or any other authority take after this training to address the racial discrimination you ****ere facing?
No training ****as ever done. She came by the house and apology to me for his behavior. And to check in ****ith me because i had loss * family members in 4 months. Factly, * family members in 13 months
What steps did you take after realizing no training ****as conducted to address the racial discrimination you ****ere facing?
I keep bringing the issue up ****ith management, document his racial slurs in the daily log and in the client case notes. They ****ould respond, " boy he really hate you. He al****ays find one staff to " get on," this time it's you." " He nags until the person leave."
What steps did your employer take after you repeatedly brought up the issue and documented the racial slurs?
What ****as the response from the Rhode Island unemployment board ****hen you reported your employer's lack of action to****ards the racial discrimination you faced?

In Rhode Island, employers are required to address racial discrimination in the ****orkplace. If they fail to do so, it can be considered a violation of the Rhode Island Fair Employment Practices Act.
That never came up
What steps have you taken to report the racial discrimination to the Rhode Island Commission for Human Rights or any other relevant authority?
I didn't report. I try my best to treat him extra special for peace of mind, get through my day. I ****ould al****ays tell him that i understand and empathize ****ith ****hatever he been through ****hile in prison and the abuse he stated he endured by t****o black prison officers. and the " black" nurse at the hospital, but it ****asn't me, or anyone related to me. I ****ould play music for him. I took him to the bank, had him opened an account and got a bank card. I bought them A box of joe once a month, chinese food($*) for all * clients
Have you considered filing a complaint ****ith the Rhode Island Commission for Human Rights regarding the racial discrimination you experienced at ****ork?
I didn't kno**** i could
You can file a complaint ****ith the Rhode Island Commission for Human Rights if you believe you've been a victim of ****orkplace discrimination. Would you like assistance ****ith this process?
Yes please
It bothered me really bad..i had a mental break and on meds and seeing a therapist
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Have you discussed these incidents ****ith your therapist and considered their advice on ho**** to handle this legally?
Yes i did
I ****as offered a job and placed it on hold due to my mental health
What is the nature of the job you ****ere offered and ****hy did you decide to put it on hold?
I ****as offered a MH Tech job and put it on hold due to my depression and anxiety. I ****as advised by the unemployment officer to go on TDI and take care of myself that i ****as in no position to ****ork.
What is the status of your TDI application?
Pending this appeal also
What is the reason given for your TDI application being pending?
Because my boss appeal
What is the specific reason your employer gave for appealing your TDI application?