Child Custody Modification Case


Parental alienation and non-compliance with court orders can significantly impact child custody cases in Oregon. Legal aid and pro bono services are available for those who cant afford representation. The Oregon State Bars Modest Means Program offers reduced-rate legal assistance based on income and assets. Parental kidnapping is a crime and can influence custody decisions. Reporting non-compliance and seeking legal support are crucial steps.

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Im facibg a modification of chikd custidy and parenting plan case fiked by the orher parent in Oregon. Currently the custody is joibt kegal and shared physical custody of twin boys, age *. The children hav3 been in an every other week parenting plan with provisions for holidays and exrra uninterrupted time during the summers. The otger parent abducted both children from my home during their summer vacation two years ago. I filed for contempt and tge judfe irdered reunification visits but did not find the otger parent in cobtempt. The abductibg parent fail3d to follow tge orders of tge court for reunifucation, and only brought one of the children, but not every time tgat was ordered. After about * mobths of visits with tge one twin tge motger served me with modification of custody papers and immediately thereafter discontinued all visits with the one child and now claims bkth children dont want to see me. She has isolated tge chikdren from me and my entire family, and the chilsren currently appear to have been alienated by the other parent, as tgey no longer are in cobtact with anyone on my side of tgeir
Do you have any evidence to support your claim that the other parent is alienating the children from you and your family?
The fact tgat they were extremely close with me prior to abduction, tgat I was the only parent tgat worked with the chikdren's schools and therapists to help tgem with educational issues and to learn behavioral strategies to deal with adjustment disorders of both children. Psychological records and schook records show tgat morher was basucally uninvolved in IEP progran, counseling, and wuth schools until abduction. Both chikdren trabsferred out if state to anotger schook tgey gave attebded for *.25 years. IEP program and coubseling discontinued by mother and the most troubled chikd has suffered a regression. Mother has stretched out everything as long as possible includibg not serving me with modification motion for 8 months after it was filed. Trying to claim children are better off now with no visuts and rgey gave no sesire to visit me although i know rgats not true for one chikd, and the other more troubled child prefers being with mother because she does not require him to try to succed in school and sge gaa few boundaries for the children who get to skip achool, stay up late at nights, play adukt rated video games and surf ihternet with no guidance or parental filtering. Mother haa lonh history of seeking sole custody including filing motions for emergency custody based on abuse or neglect (denied) and inutiating CPS investigations through friends or sister. Chikdren had aaked to move in with me full time a monthbprior to being abducted. Motgee clains kids said I was never home, althoufh Im akways home but had not veen for * hours just prior to abduction due to emergency wirk contract. I was home when they were abducted. While I was working, children were being watched by 21 year old older half brotger from my previous marriage. Extensive docunentation tgat children having nothing in common with mother to therapists. Motyer has been generally ubstabke movibg from boyfriend to boyfriend for tge last 14 years, but gas been with current boydriend 4 years. Depends in boyfruends to provide children housing. I have lived in same house since tgeur birth. Work from home. Had great relatiionship with kids. Hace witnesses tgat will testify i waa primary caretaker, mom mostly uninvolved, all official records ahow I was tge parent tgat was responsible, spent time with kids abd mom was unavailabke to kids, left tgem with driends and relatives and partied all the time.
Do you have legal representation for this case? In Oregon, parental alienation can be considered in custody cases, but it's crucial to have strong evidence and legal support.
No. The other parent does. I cant afford it, gave been out of work wuth disability for a couple of years. But rgere is no rational reason for kids to no lobger like me, they steaight oyt told therapist they only prefer living with mom becauae sge has no rules and dad has too many rules.
Have you considered applying for legal aid or pro bono services? In Oregon, there are organizations that provide free legal help to those who can't afford it.
Yes. But judge has aet case for Auguat *, and i dear it will be difficukt to bring lawyer up to speed in short time, if I coukd even find one that woukd help on my budget on such short notice.
Have you tried reaching out to the Oregon State Bar's Modest Means Program? They connect people with lawyers who offer reduced rates.
No. What is their criteria for helping someone with no incone and minimal savings that are being eaten up by DOJ modifying my child support based on change of physical custidy and not regarding fact it was an abduction.
The Oregon State Bar's Modest Means Program assists individuals with low to moderate income. They consider income, assets, and the nature of your legal problem.
I have assets, but no cash. I dont want to have to sell my house to win my case, then I'd have no home for raising the twins. But I own a hone, abd have an investment property for income but no income since it got flooded and im repairing it. Actually both my houses are under repair from flooding caused by broken pipes in big freeze this winter . I owe back taxes, and i am delinqyent in child support. Part of my answer and cross claim is that support amount us excessive and should not gace been awarded to otger parent because change of custody was without my knowledge and cobsent. And judge did not find contempt. Just made a remedial ruling and saud she would consider sanctions whwn a motion to m9dify was entered by one of the parties, and mother said she woukd file it, but tgen played atretchbit out game on serving me with her attorney to gain advantage of having kids exclusively for long time. This is second time sge has kidnapped and hid kids. Bever gets geld in contempt by judge
Have you reported the alleged kidnapping to the police? In Oregon, parental kidnapping can be considered a crime and may impact custody decisions.
Yes. It was during covid and rioting. Police said no resources, wirk it out wirh other parent. Courts had a standing order from presudibg judge tgat backlogged all but most serious cases. Also filed for enforcement of fireign UCCJEA registered custody order in Washington state, they Served her but. declined to enforce and deferred to Oregon pending judfes ruling on contempt. Now im starting all over on reporting faikure to follow renedial order of judge from contempt hearing.
What is the current status of your case in Oregon and have you been able to establish any form of communication with your children?

In Oregon:
- Parental kidnapping is a crime.
- Parental alienation can impact custody decisions.
- Free legal aid is available for those who can't afford it.
Yes. I was having visits with one of them. Morher us ordered to provide transportation, but only has one kid come. She cut that kid off from vists rge day she gad me served. Got a GAL appointed fir kids, but age has been unable to meet with the one that was visiting and wants to visit. Mom only allowed tge troubked kid who doesnt want to have rules that she triangulates unhealthily with to manipukate the other twin to see GAL. GAL is an attorney. Mothers position is both kuds refuse to cone see dad. My position is alienation, history of kidnapping, inability to cintrol children and unwillingness and inability to support relationship with father by mother, akong with neglect of children's medical needs (no dentist, no opthalmologist for twin whose vision was impaired by her nonjoint older son shining taegeting laser in our sons eye, removsl of chikdren from IEP programs, counselibg, and otger external suppoets. Using tge atate of WA defwrring to Oregin as a tool to manipulate system and to keep children from me.
Have you informed the court about the mother's non-compliance with the court's order for transportation and the GAL's inability to meet with both children?