Legal Issue Dispute With Uncle Over Building Regulations And Property Damagebuilding Regulations

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Actually my uncle is building a house, and is not keeping enough space between both the houses and moroever he is not allowing me to cement my backyard.Due to non cementing, the wall of my house is getting damaged and the there is sippage of water in the rainy season
What is the location of your property? This will help me provide you with the specific building regulations applicable in your area.
What steps have you taken so far to address this issue with your uncle?

In West Bengal, there are specific building regulations that must be adhered to.
I have complained to gram panchayat, police station and moverover filed a civil suit case against them however the judgement is not in my favour.. The court has passed an order to continue the building the house
Have you considered appealing the court's decision? In West Bengal, you can appeal to the District Court or High Court if you believe the judgement was unfair.
I am thinking of appealing to high court but not sure if it will help
What is the basis of your appeal? Understanding this will help me provide you with relevant information. In general, High Court appeals can overturn lower court decisions if legal errors occurred.
they have strong political backup
Do you have any evidence to support your claim of political interference in your case?
yes when we filed this civil suit is court, the asssistant pradhan approved the application for building the house even after knowing that there has been case filed regarding the construction.. Moreover the assistant pradhan forged the signature of our ward representative
What evidence do you have to prove that the assistant pradhan forged the signature of your ward representative?

General Information:
- Forgery is a criminal offense under Section * of the Indian Penal Code.
- You can file a complaint with the police or the court.
When we complained to ward member how come the construction permission was provided while the is a civil case is going, then the ward memeber complained to the pradhan that she has not singed in any document giving approval for construction. wehave that xeroxcopy
What is the name of the court where your civil case was heard? This will help me provide you with the contact details for the nearest High Court for your appeal.
What is the exact nature of the damage to your property due to your uncle's construction?

General Information:
- In West Bengal, the West Bengal Building Rules, *, regulate the minimum distance between buildings.
- Jalpaiguri District Court contact: *-*.
The wall is getting damaged because the outside of my house is not cemented, we need to get them cemented so that the water does not sip through the wall
What steps have you taken to prevent the water damage to your wall?
inside of the house has been cemented
What steps have you taken to address the water damage with your uncle?
we have asked him to allow us to cement the outside the house
What was your uncle's response when you asked him to allow you to cement the outside of the house?