Misrepresentation Damages In Contracts


McConnel v Wright (1903) 1 Ch 546 is a key case in contract law, focusing on misrepresentation. It establishes that damages are measured by the difference between the represented and actual value of shares. This principle allows claimants to recover losses due to misrepresentation. For specific applications in Nigeria, consider consulting a local legal expert.

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McConnel v Wright (*) * Ch *
Hi Tejiri, McConnel v Wright (*) * Ch * is a notable case in the realm of misrepresentation in contract law. Could you please specify your location and what specific information or guidance you need regarding this case?
I am in Nigeria
Hello Tejiri,
Thank you for providing your location. McConnel v Wright (*) * Ch * is a significant case in contract law concerning misrepresentation.
- **Misrepresentation**: A false statement of fact made by one party to another, which has the effect of inducing that party into the contract.
- **Legal Principle**: The case establishes that a person who has been induced into a contract by misrepresentation can claim damages.
If you need more specific guidance related to misrepresentation in Nigeria, please let me know how I can assist further.
Hello Tejiri,
In relation to McConnel v Wright (*) * Ch * and the measure of damages for misrepresentation in a prospectus, the case establishes the following principles:
- **Measure of Damages**: The measure of damages is the difference between the value of the shares as they were and as they would have been if the statements in the prospectus had been true.
If you need more specific guidance on how this applies in Nigeria, please let me know.
McConnel v Wright (*) * Ch * in relation to measure of damages for remedies for in prospectus
Hi Tejiri,
In McConnel v Wright (*) * Ch *, the measure of damages for remedies in a prospectus misrepresentation case is addressed as follows:
- **Measure of Damages**: The difference between the value of the shares as they were represented and their actual value at the time of the contract.
- **Remedy**: The claimant can recover the amount of money lost due to the misrepresentation.
If you need specific information about how this principle applies in Nigeria, please let me know!