Google Maps Legal Liability


Google Maps terms of service generally disclaim liability for errors. Seeking legal action for harm caused by incorrect directions can be challenging. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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Google Maps
Hello **** ****, it seems like you are having an issue with Google Maps. Could you please provide more details about your issue and the location you are currently in?
I got me lost and I had to go to the hospital I'm in Independence MO
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Were you harmed as a result of the incorrect directions provided by Google Maps? Are you seeking to hold them legally responsible?
Yes I am
I see. To clarify, you're seeking legal action against Google Maps for leading you astray, resulting in harm. Is this correct, ****?
It's unfortunate to hear about your situation, ****. However, holding Google Maps legally responsible could be challenging as their terms of service disclaim liability for any errors. It's critical to seek legal advice for your specific situation.
**** **** *
Hello ****, it's important to consult a lawyer for your situation. Google Maps' terms of service often disclaim liability for errors. You may have a case, but it will be challenging. It's crucial to seek expert legal advice.