Eviction Process And Noise Complaints
In New Jersey, police cannot evict tenants; only a court order can. For noise complaints, contact local authorities. Persistent disturbances may strengthen your landlords eviction case. If you feel in danger, call 911. For non-emergencies, reach out to your local police department.Full Conversation
New Jersey
In New Jersey, the police can't evict tenants. Only a court order can do that. But, if your neighbor is disturbing the peace, you can certainly call the police. They might issue a warning or citation. If issues persist, it could strengthen your landlord's eviction case.
The cops told me they won't come out anymore unless I'm in danger and that it's a tenant landlord issue
If you feel danger, call *. For non-emergencies, try reaching out to your local police department. In New Jersey, noise violations can be reported to local authorities. If the noise continues, consider legal action for nuisance.
She's s nigger
I'm sorry just angry